New and being ignored :(



  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    Welcome! I have over 100 lb to lose. I've lost 7 lb so far. Add me if you'd like. We can chit-chat :)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I turn 48 two weeks from today! Although my kids are young. Late starter here.
    Homeschooling - kudo's to you!!!!

    I'd love to help with motivation, bring it on!
  • I'm new too. I have lost about the same amount as you have. Accept my requset and we can motivate eachother:).
    I don't know why others are getting responses and I am not, so I will try again. This is my second day here and I am ready to lose atleast 70 pounds. I have already lost 10 pounds and 3 inches. I have moved to another State and have no friends here. I am concentrating on losing this weight and then finding a job. I know i will meet people, I just have to get out more. I joined a fitness gym and have been going 5 times a week faithfully for 2 months.
    My husband and my 3 children ages ranging from 20-25 years are my greatest support. But I want to meet others on this journey who can encourage me as well as give me any tips.
    I am literally starting my life over (if you only knew my testimony). Ever heard of Breaking Amish? Well, I wasn't Amish but close.
    Sorry if I sound whiny, didn't mean to. :)
  • Tonyb03
    Tonyb03 Posts: 4 Member
    Have sent a Friend request.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    always happy to have new friends!
  • howaboutit
    howaboutit Posts: 68 Member
    Please add me!
  • howaboutit
    howaboutit Posts: 68 Member
    I am in the same cycle of gaining and losing the same 5 pounds! Maybe we can break the cycle together. Good luck!
  • dawn139
    dawn139 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm starting out though I've been on here a while ive really used it, think trying to do it on my own has allowed me to be lazy so hoping that using this more and being able to work with like
    Minded people will make me accountable for getting off my butt and less likely to be lazy.
  • Sandysfree
    Sandysfree Posts: 15 Member
    I think being on here everyday and writing in what you eat will help you for sure! And of course the encouragement from all of us. We can do it, I know it!!
  • I am pretty new also, so you can add me as a friend :smile:
  • dgeorgiadis
    dgeorgiadis Posts: 95 Member
    I'm new as well. Congrats on the commitment to loose. Let's be buds!
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    I'm on MFP so my trainer can monitor my caloric intake and solo workouts. She does not need to monitor those things right now, but I still read the forums for info. Feel free to add me though. I check MFP everyday.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Adding you!
  • wildrose957498
    wildrose957498 Posts: 24 Member
    :wink: I felt the same way for a bit, now I'm finally getting some people who are great motivators for me and me to them. Feel free to add me if you want. I miss some days, but I try is all I can say lol. I'm trying to lose about the same weight also, lost 24 lbs for my wedding last July , then lost 6 lbs then BAM the brakes came on and I haven't been able to lose anymore, but I'm not giving up!! I hate feeling tired, achy, outta breathe and tried, wait I said that lol. well I'm here and if you add me you can maybe add some of my friends they seem real nice. Have a blessed day!!
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Sent you a request.
  • You can add me. I've been here a little while.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    You can also send requests yourself to people you find interesting on the forums. Sometimes its easier to find like minded people that way rather than hoping they will notice and send you a request.

  • Welcome!!! I am looking to lose just about 70, too! Feel free to add me if you'd like! We can motivate each other!!

    Congrats on your commitment! You're stronger than I am - I wasn't able to go to a gym until I had a buddy to sign up with!! :ohwell:
  • sullrico18
    sullrico18 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello there! I log daily and check in consistently to see how things are going. :-) Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • jhwellness
    jhwellness Posts: 156 Member
    Feel free to add me I log on daily and the support on this site has really helped me. I still have close to 30 lbs to lose.