amandahandstand Member


  • Hey! I've had a pretty similar experience. I've been vegetarian for a while now and transitioned to vegan at the start of this year (I have occasional slip-ups, but nobody is perfect!) I found my bowel problems were a result of anxiety and not diet, and I have to take a laxative every two days in order to 'function'. I do…
  • Congrats on considering veganism for animal rights! Though as others have said, if you're doing it solely for weight loss, there are probably better methods. You can certainly lose weight on a vegan diet, same as you can on any diet, if you watch what you eat. Vegan baked goodies and creamy pastas still exist! Be aware…
  • Oh gosh, I thought I was the only one! I also have trouble willing myself to exercise in the first place; I hate being seen while I walk/jog/etc., and I don't have the option of visiting a gym/doing any 'paid' form of exercise. I often have anxiety attacks pre-exercising that stop me from even going out for that walk in…
  • Whoa, I'm in a really similar situation. 27, living with my boyfriend and his dad, and since moving in with them I've put back on half of the weight I'd lost this year :\ My boyfriend is not unsupportive but his idea of a good time is a big, tasty meal out (not going out with friends or anything like that) and his idea of…
  • Added you! Maybe it's just me, but it definitely seems harder to keep an eye on what you're eating when you're in a relationship, haha...
  • I feel your pain, everyone who's posted here :) I've had social anxiety since about the age of 10/12 and have always hated people looking at me. Naturally this makes getting out of the house for a run or going to the gym a struggle that it really shouldn't be! I was also bullied all through school for being terrible at…
  • Hooray, tattoos! I have a couple (and a lot more planned) but here's my most recent, I just got this done on my upper arm: It's a storm petrel - kind of the opposite to swallows (which are considered good luck to sailors) - storm petrels are considered a bad omen, haha. In regards to finding a good shop and artist, the…
  • 27 in a few days, from Australia and looking to meet new people!