Joe_Atlanta Member


  • I've had an extremely busy 6 weeks, lots of work, not so much exercise. No time to check in on the board. I have kept up with my food diary and although the weight loss has slowed, it has continued. I'm down to 1.4 pounds to go and hope to hit my goal weight in the next couple of weeks. 90 lbs in a little over a year.…
  • I had a Taco Bell cleanse recently, but that's TMI. ;^)
  • Listen to your body. If something you are trying really makes you feel sick, back off. I tend to stay away from the "quick fixes", they are no substitute for figuring out how to eat a healthy balanced diet and get some exercise.
  • I tend to agree, it's not complicated. If you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. It's not just a good way to diet, it's the law ( of conservation of energy AKA the first law of thermodynamics). However, we each (as individuals) have to find what we feel comfortable with and what works best for us in…
  • Way to go! That's how I started jogging on my loop around my neighborhood. However, I did it in ~ 20 yard increments. Jog a bit, walk a while. It's taken me a couple of months but now I jog about 60% of my route, even UP some of the smaller hills! AARP blogger Hannah Guffman has a good article and video on how to start…
  • A balcony sounds great! Have fun! Don't over do, but stay active, that will help combat the extra calories. There will be plenty of healthy things to eat, fill up your plate with those and sample (smaller portions) the high calorie stuff. Don't deny yourself (you're on vacation!), but don't feel like you have to eat…
  • Weather has been great here in Atlanta, mid 80's day/ high 60's night. I've been squeezing in a few swims before the local pool shuts down for the season and wondering what I was going to do for cross training (I walk/hike daily). As I finished a swim I noticed the local tennis team (including some older guys) practicing…
  • Thanks for posting. Smiling with tears.
  • It'll be a while before it's autumn in Georgia, nice day for a swim!
  • Dare to dream. After 4 attempts over a 35 year span, 64 year old Diana Nyad should be finishing her 103 mile swim from Cuba to Florida about now.
  • Welcome aboard! There's a great, supportive bunch of people here. Don't worry too much about meeting calorie goals in the very beginning, just log everything and get a sense of what you are eating. Then, start figuring out what you can eat to get a balanced diet AND stay under your calorie goal. Exercise (of any kind)…
  • Man, reading through this thread is making me hungry for for some good ol' Southern cooking. Last week I had a gig at a restaurant that advertises itself as "Southern comfort food with a modern twist". That meant some of the food was fairly healthy, but there ain't much you can do with chicken fried steak (with cream…
  • Welcome back! Congratulations on getting back into it. Any kind of activity can raise your metabolism and help with your weight loss, it doesn't have to be walking. Whether it's a simple program of basic movements (whatever you are capable of) like arm and leg raises, using resistance bands and /or weights or (if…
  • Love the posts. The thing I try to keep in mind is that this is (for me) a life commitment to be healthier. So, a few days (or even weeks) of struggling is not much compared to the years I'm hopefully adding to my life. And whatever time I have left, I'll enjoy the time much more if I'm healthy, eating right and exercising.
  • Welcome Diane, you've come to the right place. Folks here are very supportive, but will also tell it like it is.
  • walkswithart: Next is saving my pennies for a lesson package. Also need to keep working on my jogging, my legs were very tired towards the end of the training hill session. gramanana: Sorry the sound didn't work for you, flash can be a problem. The band's website has some sound samples that don't require flash if you are…
  • Well, we made the trip up to Lookout Mountain, did the hang gliding school and didn't die ;^) . Remember the song in Peter Pan, "You Can Fly"? When there's a smile in your heart There's no better time to start Think of all the joy you'll find When you leave the world behind And bid your cares goodbye You can fly, you can…
  • Welcome. Take your time and learn how to use the quick tools (they really help). Then take a look at what you are eating, I was amazed at how unbalanced my diet was. A big benefit of MFP is or the first time I'm eating a balanced diet ( and losing weight!).
  • Sh** happens. I've been traveling and although my intentions have been good, the combination of being tired, bored and the ready availability of crap food has lead to some bad days. That's OK. I know as long as I don't give up, I don't fail. Persistence and commitment will overcome any temporary setbacks.
  • I do track my sodium intake and I get big weight swings (5+ lbs in 24 hours) depending on my salt intake. By eating more raw and home prepared food I generally stay under the RDR. However, I do eat out a lot ,(part of playing music at restaurants is that you get to eat) and I don't always choose the healthiest items. So I…
  • AWESOME!!!!
  • July was good, lots of work for my bands and saw a bunch of old friends at my sister's birthday party (and got bunches of compliments on my weight loss). Lost 5 lbs, increased my longest walk distance to 6.5 miles and got serious about doing other kinds of exercise (have been swimming 2-3 times a week). Continued my…
  • Joan6630 Once you've established 30 minutes or so of daily exercise, you can can more than double the increased metabolic effect by splitting it in two sessions. Just make sure you are pushing it a little (increased heart rate, break a sweat) during both sessions. To really take advantage of the weight loss potential of…
  • nitza: Thanks for the tip, sounds yummy. Particularly on those days when I don't feel like chewing my way through a huge salad.
  • The "Yoga 1" recipe is fresh pineapple, apples, kale, spinach, water, ginger and lemons. Arden's Gardens juices are local Atlanta produced cold pressed juices that don't have any preservatives, so I doubt they are available nation wide. Other large cities probably have their own local juices. They fall into the green…
  • Had a great visit with my doctor last week (had a long discussion about my exercise and diet program) and got the blood test report today. Great news! I've come off half my blood pressure medicine (after 10 days on the reduced meds I'm at 114/70) and my Cholesterol level is in the normal range for the first time in 30…
  • Welcome to both of you! Just join in with the chat and the weekly challenges, you'll find the group here is very helpful. southerngramm - What part of SC? My in-laws are in Greenville and Columbia.
  • Pretty funny, but the sad part is that by exercising and eating right we are doing what over 60% of Americans (overweight and obese) should be doing. To loosely quote Bob Dylan Those not busy being born are busy dying...
  • Rain, rain rain here in GA. Hard to plan even a half day trip. : ( On the positive side all the local fruit is cheap and good and like other folks I'm eating a bunch!. Neen made a non dairy smoothie for us last night where each glass had a half cup of blueberries, 4 strawberries and half a peach, YUM!
  • Well, like Wooken, by sticking with it I've seen some major changes. Last week I hit a milestone 60 lbs lost and I celebrated by taking on a walk/hike that I never would have been able to do a year ago. The one mile walk up trail on Stone Mountain is not really that steep or extreme (except for the 100 foot "wall" near the…