Thank you so much to everyone who has posted since the last time I posted. Was looking at some pictures from last year of myself, just still cannot believe the change.
Wow...176 lbs lost for you, that is awesome. Thank you by the way.
Thanks to everyone else for the kind words. This did not happen without some failures and doubting at points, but I've weathered the storm, although I could have been down 100 already if I didn't like cheese so much ;) The other thing for those going to the gym and doing cardio or walking.....get your heartrate up, if it…
Not really, but due to genetics I still have alot of fat stored in my stomach and chest area, really pesky stuff, I do have some stretch marks though, nothing crazy but noticeable. Been doing abs workouts to try and tighten the stretch marks on my stomach up, and the stretch marks on my arm are going away since I am. To…
Thanks alot. As for and record your calories diligently don't.skip.ANYTHING! Drink plenty of water, I myself try to drink about a gallon of water per day, make sure to get enough sleep at night. Don't cut foods out of your diet that aren't necessarily good for you, but enjoy in moderation. Watch your salt and…
AWESOME JOB! Just wow.
Thank you all so much. I really found that weight loss is 90% diet and 10% physical. Found myself in a little rut back in March where I wasn't really losing much anymore, mostly cardio at first, now trying to tone, gain some strength and get rid of this little bit of belly I have left. Once I get to about 160 I think I…
Thank you for the help on posting the pic. Was going crazy there for a second. lol
Just under 7 months, lost about 62 lbs so far.
No doubt take progress pics, this was the change in 3 months time that I had. Had lost about 40 lbs at this point. Was astonished by the change.