

  • Hiya! I'd like to join too please! My birthday is in November, and i want to be as close as possible to my target weight by then. Why I Want To Get In Shape Hitting my mid-30's, i have also hit a speed-bump. I spend most of my time at my desk, but still eat like a college student, and it can't go on this way! At my last…
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I did day 4 yesterday, even though i got home at 11pm. Actually feeling a little less sore today, maybe i am over the worst!
  • Hi Everyone, I joined MFP in late Jan, after a shocking weigh-in at the GP's. Posted on here a couple of times, but since i normally use the phone app to record my food I couldn't figure out how to post onto the forum. Anyways, had another weigh in last week and i have lost 5 pounds! Not that much over 6 weeks, but it is…
  • Hey Mickey - you are not alone! i had a crap weekend too - food-wise at least! However, nothing to do but start again on Monday morning. I'm hoping i am really good during the week, it will compensate for the lost weekends :)
  • Hi Guys, thanks for the welcoming comments! I totally fell off the wagon on the weekend. How do you manage to stay on track if you go out with friends who are not on diets? It started with a slice of pie with tea on saturday, and went steadily downhill from there. I am scared to even record everything, and instead am…
  • Hi! One more newbie looking for some support. Just finding my way around the site. Its great to see such a strong UK team. I recently got weighed at the GP's and was shocked to see I've gone up 22 pounds in the last 2 years! I knew things were fitting a bit snugger , but its been a real wake up call. I haven't ever…
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