birder4ever Member


  • Please friend me. I just started today & could use your support as well!
  • You can friend me. I was off for a while but now I'm back.
  • I did the 9 day cleanse. It was amazing & in the beginning it was so difficult I thought I would give in. But I had to challenge myself and by the end I felt like a super star. My head was clear, my body felt really good & I was filled with energy. Can't do it anymore though, turns out I have sensitivities to whey & that's…
  • Hi Everyone. I was in the low 180's a few years ago for many years. I discovered that no matter what I did it was so hard to lose the weight. The only thing that would work was almost starving myself. Turns out I'm allergic to a few foods & have loads of food allergies. I was constantly eating all these foods which were…
  • Join the club, I'm new too. What I do like about this site is that it holds you accountable for what you put into your mouth. It shows you clearly how much fat, calories, etc it is & gives you goals to achieve based on what you want to accomplish. Good luck to you & congratulations. You'll do fine if you stick to plugging…
  • Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar Raw & Braggs Amino Acids - outstanding sources of natural organic liquids to build your own dressings with and also to marinade your foods in. Just add them to EVOO and your own fresh garlic for a stunning dressing for your salads.
  • HI sissy. Ok, there is never a meal that I don't serve at home without veggies. The one easy way to begin is browsing your frozen veggie section for bags. Those are flash frozen as soon as they're picked so they will be at their peak of freshness. Frozen veggies to always have on hand are asparagus, broc/cauliflower,…