

  • Don't forget that your body is in calorie burning mode for a while after you finish exercising. Don't beat yourself up! You did great.
  • I had the same issue with 60 minutes of Jazzercise. MFP came in with a low calorie burn so I checked with the instructor. Her HRM registered over 500 so I adjusted my calorie count but not as high as the instructor's. I figured she worked harder!!!
  • I need my coffee! Tried to give it up years ago and started craving chocolate!!!! Keep it! I drink mine black and sometimes with a little unsweetened almond milk.
  • I am on 1200 calories a day, but if I ate foods that I am sensitive or allergic to, I would not lose weight.....even on low calories. Maybe you are food sensitive to something you eat often. It's only a suggestion but might be worth checking out.
  • Whoever you went to for your second opinion gave you great advice. When I was first diagnosed, the doctor asked which bothered me more, the pain or lack of sleep. For me, I could deal with the pain if only I could get a good night's sleep. I took Prozac for one year and after a 12 pound weight gain that was enough for me.…