Just Dance 4 cal count really that off?



  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    A general rule of thumb is that for dancing, you burn roughly your body weight in calories every half hour. Now, that's just a very very VERY generalized rule, but it's a pretty safe assumption to make.
    where did you get that information? i'd like to see something to back that up.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.
    I honestly think this is really high for any type of workout in an hour. I can run at a pretty good pace for 1 hr and its only 500-600 cal burn.

    Really depends on intensity. I average a burn of roughly 530 calories in the process of a 29 or 30min 5k. Walking for that same time I will only burn around 200.

    For reference, I also typically burn about 1000 in the course of an hour on a treadmill at a 15% (max) incline at 4mph.
    I run a 29 min 5k and burn 230-250 cal
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    A general rule of thumb is that for dancing, you burn roughly your body weight in calories every half hour. Now, that's just a very very VERY generalized rule, but it's a pretty safe assumption to make.
    where did you get that information? i'd like to see something to back that up.

    I got that info from a poster in my dance studio, but I'm not seeing anything online about it. I know that it rings true for me after ballet class. I weigh 120.5 and after 75 minutes of dancing, I burn 307 calories. That's only about 6 calories off from the estimate
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.

    Really???!! Where does that figure come from?

    I'm asking because I've been taking the calorie count from MFP, before that I used another website, both were around 600 calories for an hour. Wii Zumba 2 has given me a max of 540 for a 47 minute medium class. If I'm owed double I'll stick another bottle of wine in the fridge :drinker:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.

    I'm sorry, but there's basically no chance that you are burning 1100-1400 in an hour of just doing zumba. For someone your size (around 150lbs), you'd have to run around 10 miles in an hour (6 minutes per mile) just to burn 1000. That is very fast and not many people can maintain 10mph for 60 minutes (especially women). I used running as an example because calorie expenditure during running has been heavily researched and can be generally relied on for accurate data. Unless you're putting in 10-40% more effort than running 10 miles, you're not burning that much during an hour of Zumba. Maybe half that would be a decent estimate.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.

    Really???!! Where does that figure come from?

    I'm asking because I've been taking the calorie count from MFP, before that I used another website, both were around 600 calories for an hour. Wii Zumba 2 has given me a max of 540 for a 47 minute medium class. If I'm owed double I'll stick another bottle of wine in the fridge :drinker:

    That sounds about right. What's important are the results anyway. Adjust your intake via your expected vs actual results.

    For example, you can log 3000 calories for an hour of exercise if you wanted to. If you eat all those calories back and gain weight then I guess you know that your estimate was wrong and therefore you must adjust accordingly.
  • germLA47
    germLA47 Posts: 5
    I had the same issue with 60 minutes of Jazzercise. MFP came in with a low calorie burn so I checked with the instructor. Her HRM registered over 500 so I adjusted my calorie count but not as high as the instructor's. I figured she worked harder!!!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    HRM's can 'measure' the calorie burns better because it monitors your HR which is affected by the intensity of your exercise routine and will always more accurately track your burns when you consider that the game doesn't take any of your dimensions into consideration and cannot see what HR Zone you are hitting during activity.

    For example when I logged using a running app I was always measured at about 350 kcals burned for an hour and that would be keeping me at a low heart rate to keep my burn that low when in fact I am usually at 87-93% of my max HR when I run and burn closer to 600-700 kcals per hour. Same with zumba it calculated 350-400 kcals per 45 minute intermediate class when I was burning closer to 700 kcals.

    I also measured a walk and measured pace vs distance and put it into a calculator with exact values and that was the only time HRM had matched the calculator, so they can be accurate if they have enough value input :/
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.

    Really???!! Where does that figure come from?

    I'm asking because I've been taking the calorie count from MFP, before that I used another website, both were around 600 calories for an hour. Wii Zumba 2 has given me a max of 540 for a 47 minute medium class. If I'm owed double I'll stick another bottle of wine in the fridge :drinker:
    every class we have at least 2 or 3 people sometimes as many as 6 people counting calories with HRM (with the chest straps) and they're all in that area (over 1200 usually)

    so i think it's safe to say that's about right because they all use different models and our class is pretty intense.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    definitely. I've come down from 215 lbs to 155 lbs since december to april (I plateaued in april but i've been indulging a lot more recently)
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I log mine as Zumba, but I also cut the time back a bit
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.

    Really???!! Where does that figure come from?

    I'm asking because I've been taking the calorie count from MFP, before that I used another website, both were around 600 calories for an hour. Wii Zumba 2 has given me a max of 540 for a 47 minute medium class. If I'm owed double I'll stick another bottle of wine in the fridge :drinker:
    every class we have at least 2 or 3 people sometimes as many as 6 people counting calories with HRM (with the chest straps) and they're all in that area (over 1200 usually)

    so i think it's safe to say that's about right because they all use different models and our class is pretty intense.
    More intense than running a 6 min mile for an hour? I really doubt it. I'm sure it's hard work but no where near that calorie burn. Maybe half of that.
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    just for reference. doing a 45 min insanity routine clocks in around 600 cals.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Trust your HRM more. But make sure you set it up properly too. With what you said your heartrate was yes I think you probably did about 300-500 calories.

    And about the person saying zumba burns 1100-1400 calories for a good hour that's about double of what I would expect.
  • just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.
    I honestly think this is really high for any type of workout in an hour. I can run at a pretty good pace for 1 hr and its only 500-600 cal burn.

    Really depends on intensity. I average a burn of roughly 530 calories in the process of a 29 or 30min 5k. Walking for that same time I will only burn around 200.

    For reference, I also typically burn about 1000 in the course of an hour on a treadmill at a 15% (max) incline at 4mph.
    I run a 29 min 5k and burn 230-250 cal

    Likely more attributable to our difference in gender and size than anything else.

    This is one of the biggest problems with using MFP estimates (or any other general calorie estimates for that matter) to track your fitness. 9/10 times they are going to be significantly off.

    As a rule of thumb, I only report workouts that I have used technology to track (GPS/HRM/Pacer/Tradmill).