Just Dance 4 cal count really that off?

I did the "Just Sweat" 25 minute workout on Just Dance 4 for the wii and it said I burned just under 100 cals while my heart rate monitor said over 500 cals. I know HRM are more accurate because you can input your age and weight, but that is kind of a HUGE difference...


  • heidihunt357
    heidihunt357 Posts: 17 Member
    That really is a huge difference. I would go with the HRM though. Kind of odd the difference is so big though. But good Job in general for doing it.
  • hollygparr
    hollygparr Posts: 243 Member
    Does just dance take into consideration height/weight etc?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Both sound extremely low/high. Truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Average them out and then examine your results over time.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    The 100 calories sounds a lot more accurate to me for 25 minutes than the 500.
  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    Go with the HRM. I played Dance Central for years and I know the calorie counter in that game was always way off. I'd play for an hour (hard songs too) and it would say I only burned 150 calories. I don't think the calorie counters in those dancing games work right
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Does just dance take into consideration height/weight etc?

    Not that I know of...the only settings I manually entered was age and that I was female
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    500 would be really high for a 25 min workout of any type.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    500 would be really high for a 25 min workout of any type.

    That is what I thought, too. But over and over I hear that HRM are more accurate...so now I worry that it has been grossly overestimating everything I do. But what I dont understand is I can do a 45 minute Insanity workout and it says 400ish cals burned, yet the Just Dance thing was more cals in less time. *so confused*
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    100 sounds too low and 500 sounds too high! :laugh:

    Do it again tomorrow with your HRM?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    500 seems high for a 25 minute workout...100 seems pretty low. I can walk a mile in less time than that and I'll burn off 100 calories. The truth is probably somewhere in between.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    500 would be really high for a 25 min workout of any type.

    That is what I thought, too. But over and over I hear that HRM are more accurate...so now I worry that it has been grossly overestimating everything I do. But what I dont understand is I can do a 45 minute Insanity workout and it says 400ish cals burned, yet the Just Dance thing was more cals in less time. *so confused*

    What did it give you for a max HR? Maybe your connection wasn't that great and the heart rate was getting erroneous readings.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.
    I honestly think this is really high for any type of workout in an hour. I can run at a pretty good pace for 1 hr and its only 500-600 cal burn.
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    A general rule of thumb is that for dancing, you burn roughly your body weight in calories every half hour. Now, that's just a very very VERY generalized rule, but it's a pretty safe assumption to make.
  • just to point out, in 1 hour of zumba, my class usually burns between 1100-1400 cal. usually we average about 1200-1250

    so if you're shaking it hard enough, your HRM can be right. It's all about how much you get that heart pumping. the temp of your room can have an effect too because your body is burning more calories to regulate your core temp. just some things to think about.
    I honestly think this is really high for any type of workout in an hour. I can run at a pretty good pace for 1 hr and its only 500-600 cal burn.

    Really depends on intensity. I average a burn of roughly 530 calories in the process of a 29 or 30min 5k. Walking for that same time I will only burn around 200.

    For reference, I also typically burn about 1000 in the course of an hour on a treadmill at a 15% (max) incline at 4mph.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Well I did the exact same workout again and this time it said 288 cals burned.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    500 would be really high for a 25 min workout of any type.

    That is what I thought, too. But over and over I hear that HRM are more accurate...so now I worry that it has been grossly overestimating everything I do. But what I dont understand is I can do a 45 minute Insanity workout and it says 400ish cals burned, yet the Just Dance thing was more cals in less time. *so confused*

    What did it give you for a max HR? Maybe your connection wasn't that great and the heart rate was getting erroneous readings.

    Every time I checked it, my heart rate was between 160 and 180. It puts my max at like, 190 I believe.
  • MissJacquelineN
    MissJacquelineN Posts: 175 Member
    500 would be really high for a 25 min workout of any type.

    That is what I thought, too. But over and over I hear that HRM are more accurate...so now I worry that it has been grossly overestimating everything I do. But what I dont understand is I can do a 45 minute Insanity workout and it says 400ish cals burned, yet the Just Dance thing was more cals in less time. *so confused*

    While 500 sounds really high, you also have to take in consideration your weight. 125 calories may be correct for someone who is at their 'healthy' weight, while 500 could be right for someone who is 100+ overweight. I would trust your HRM as it takes into consideration your height, weight, age, etc. :)
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Go with the 288. Probably had an faulty/erroneous connection the first time.

    Sensors aren't perfect, placement isn't perfect, environmental conditions can affect a single measurement,etc. That's why a single measure doesn't mean much; need multiple repetitions over time to see what's going on. The important thing is you're doing the workout.
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    You could check out the Zumba fitness calculator too (online), just to give you more of an idea, since both are dancing. My guess is that you are probably in the 300 calorie range, give or take about 50.