

  • Lol, Well done Roboartist!! I needed that laugh tonight. I return to work Monday and am feeling very sad today at the thought of leaving my sweet boy with someone else. On a happier note I hope you feel better now or if not now, soon. Well done on the one pound loss. My week last week was disappointing. i only lost half a…
  • Well Done! Yay for a great loss. Keep up the great work.
  • Down 3 pounds this week for a total of 21 pounds. Start christmas baking this week. I added each recipe to my recipe file and only sampled two cookies. One after each night of baking. Last year i would have eaten half a dozen each night. lol. It was a nice treat though.
  • Yay! Great work! I am down 2 pounds this week for a total of 17.5 pounds.
  • Wow! That's amazing. You look fantastic. Great Job!! I hope i can say the same this time next year!
  • Well this Father won't win any "Father of the year" awards. Who says their child is incredibly ugly and frightens them. What a disgusting human being. I feel bad for the child.
  • That's great! I hope to join you at some point in 2013.
  • Yeah, I am lucky. My little guy is only 11 months old so he isn't eating candy and we don't get trick or treaters so I just didn't buy any. We did take my son to a few houses just because it is his first halloween but my husband took the candy and put it in his work vehicle so it wasnt in the house. I did get a candy apple…
  • I weighed in today. Day after Halloween and while TOM is visiting for the first time since getting pregnant in March 2011. I was happy and very surprised to see i was down 3.5 pounds. For a total of 15.5 pounds in 3 weeks. I wasn't expecting much this week with two big weeks of loss and halloween, my sisters baby shower…
  • my mini change for today: I normally sing to my 10 month old while he sits in his high chair and i prep his meals. Today I changed it up and added some crazy dance moves to my singing. It was a win-win situation. I got my heart rate up and i made my son belly laugh. I love his belly laughs! They made me even goofier.…
  • Get this, my husband is considered underweight for his height so now he wants to use myfitnesspal to help him gain weight. He said he needs to eat 3500 calories a day. Lucky *kitten*. Lol. So we went to the mall today and i had a small sub with water and he got kfc. I was so strong. I didnt even steal a chip or a sip of…
  • Hi Ladies, My name is Natasha and I live in Ontario, Canada. I am a first time Mom to a 10 month old son. I am currently still on maternity leave. I have 140 pounds to lose. I hope to try and lose 100 in 12 months. My first goal is to lose 20 pounds by the time i return to work on Dec 3rd. I have hypothyroidism so weight…
  • Good Job on the Work out. I know i really have to convince myself it's worth getting sweaty for those extra calories. My husband is actual underweight. He can eat anything he wants and not gain a pound. I wish i had his metabolism. Lucky *kitten*! lol!
  • Hello ladies, I am another Mommy trying to lose weight. I have over a hundred to lose :( I can't believe i let it get this bad. But I am determined to change it now. My name is Natasha and i am a mom to an adorable 10 month old. I live in Canada so I am blessed to have 12 months maternity leave. I hope to lose my first…
  • I am new too. I joined this site so long ago but never did anything about it but join. Now i am motivated to lose weight for my health and to keep up with my very active 10 month old son. I am planning to add you both if you don't mind. I need other Mommy's to help motivate me on the hard days and to look to for…