

  • one thing you need to do is change your user id from WISHFUL THINKING to something more proactive like POSITIVE THINKING, or IT WILL HAPPEN...:flowerforyou:
  • A good man will support you when it comes to improving yourself. I am not saying he isn't a good man. But I agree with the fact that he is testing you. I agree he MAY be testing you to figure out if you are serious, when he figures if you are serious....then that my girl, is when you find out if he's a GOOD…
  • Send me your facebook info (email or username) in a private message, so i can add you, once i get enough people I will create the group and invite everyone :)
  • Also, i can start our own facebook group (its a little confusing just replying to this topic thread) this way its ONLY this group as friends and it will be easier to keep track of everyone........anyone interested? just send me a message to add you on the new face book group
  • Yes this is a great group! awesome! how about our first goal starts now until the friday , feb 11.....our first goal is to find a good routine of logging on to MFP for 9 days straight....logging our exercise and food intake no matter if where met our calorie goals or other personal goals. This will give us a good idea of…
  • funny, when joining the army i was 5'2", when leaving the army i was 5'0", a year or two after getting out i was back up to 5'2". I think it all has to do with posture, and spine alignment. I got out of the army for back and neck issues, after seeing a chiropractor several times and losing a little weight my height went…
  • same here :)5'2" and 170 about two weeks ago.....I started this and now i'm 165.... ( my ticker on my profile is off because of when i started my fitness pal) this is the coolest weight loss site ever! Good luck to you! And maybe we'll meet someday who knows? My highschool friend ( tree145 ) and I are trying to plan a week…
  • I accept! .... Man ... I WAS getting the family pizza tonight :) :blushing:
  • looking for the "nutritioam cart" cant find it.........whats it under? Im curious.......