5'2'', 175lbs. - OOPS! Anyone want to join up?!



  • kate72
    kate72 Posts: 11
    funny, when joining the army i was 5'2", when leaving the army i was 5'0", a year or two after getting out i was back up to 5'2". I think it all has to do with posture, and spine alignment. I got out of the army for back and neck issues, after seeing a chiropractor several times and losing a little weight my height went back up LOL , interesting isn't it?
  • kate72
    kate72 Posts: 11
    Yes this is a great group! awesome!

    how about our first goal starts now until the friday , feb 11.....our first goal is to find a good routine of logging on to MFP for 9 days straight....logging our exercise and food intake no matter if where met our calorie goals or other personal goals. This will give us a good idea of where we need to put discipline in action. then on friday the 11th, someone else will come up with another goal....
  • kate72
    kate72 Posts: 11
    Also, i can start our own facebook group (its a little confusing just replying to this topic thread) this way its ONLY this group as friends and it will be easier to keep track of everyone........anyone interested? just send me a message to add you on the new face book group
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I'm in for doing a monthly (or weekly) challenge! Also in for joining a FB group if someone wants to start one up. Feel free to add me if you like. I'm only 5'0" and have a LONG way to go!
  • kate72
    kate72 Posts: 11
    Send me your facebook info (email or username) in a private message, so i can add you, once i get enough people I will create the group and invite everyone :)
  • lilmisslanna
    lilmisslanna Posts: 104 Member
    Sounds fun!! And I think will help keep us accountable!! Awesome!!
  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    Wishing everyone out there an excellent weekend! Stick to your goals - you can do it!!!!!

  • Deanna051
    Deanna051 Posts: 28 Member
    Good luck to everyone over the weekend!! i know that is where i struggle the most with the family and all their snacking...lol
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    I am 5'2" as well and joined this site today to track my daily caloric intake and "meet" like-minded people.

    I hope I can still provide/get support here even though I am not technically overweight and only want to lose 5-7 lbs (I weight 112). I am trying to be as fit as I realistically can with a full-time job, and I am trying to get down to racing weight for upcoming races this spring and summer.

    My downfall is my appetite -- I have a huge appetite! I am trying to cut down the amount of food I eat, as I eat enough for an NFL fullback.
  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    I'm interested!