jmf323 Member


  • I hope your son is ok!! Cee: GREAT results!! woohoo!! Today was Burn intervals....phew... I still cant do all 20 burpees :grumble: Yesterday I did Lean circuit 2....and it requires LOTS of balance and using your core! There are many sets where you are balancing on one foot and also there are sets where you are in plank…
  • Marianne: I am trying to eat "lean" this month by eating mostly protien/low fat meats, and veggies. And eating clean as well (which is hard for me because I love stuff like chips and crackers:angry: ) I am also trying to cut back on my carbs some since I tend to get too many calories from them. LaCubana: I feel you about…
  • Marianne and LaCubana, way to go!!! Awesome results!! and Welome Gnomer Sorry I have been MIA, I was on vacation for 6 days in Boston, and although I walked a TON, I did let myself eat whatever I wanted, so I am up 2lbs...hoping its water weight though. I never feel bad eating and trying new foods on vacations though since…
  • Hi ladies! I can relate to the hunger some of you are having, because I am starving all the time too! My calories are more than I want to be taking in lately:( I am going to buy HR monitor this weekend so I can start getting a better idea of how many calories I am really burning so I know how much I can eat to keep my net…
  • Hi all, I am back.... I was MIA because I have been bedridden with strep throat so I havent worked out or done much else the past four days. I am getting back on the Chalean train tomorrow though with Push 3. I will start my last week of Push on Friday. I am excited to get to the lean phase!! I feel like my eating was not…
  • Hey all! I am trying to keep up with this thread but Ive been so busy lately, phew! I did Push 1 (week 3) last night and I failed in almost all me lifting! I also did Learn and Burn last night from turbo jam (I just got the program this week). I love Turbo Jam already!! I am not doing well on my eating this week:-( Its my…
  • mmtiernan: My workout week is very similar to yours! I do abs and weights together and then cardio the other three days with a day of rest. So far I like it alot. Tonight was Push 3, I upped my weights by 3-5lbs for each circuit, I love feeling this strong!! Is anyone else in the push phase finding that they are really…
  • I am on week 2 of the push phase and I love this phase!! However, I am starving all the time!! My goals are to lose 5lbs (I am 5'2" and 130 right now) I wanted to lose 10 when I started this but I have changed my goal to 5 since I have yet to lose a pound but am losing inches. I took my before pictures when I started but…
  • I need to listen to the motivatoinal CD! I did Push circuit 1 today, I just started week 2 of push. I need heavier weights because I did not reach failure on a few of the moves. I am excited to feel stronger!! I have only lost one pound and four inches total since starting but I guess its a start.
  • I am on week one of the Push phase, I would love to join your group though! I need others to keep me motivated!:)