Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I won't be joining you but I will say this is a great program. I just finished it last week.. I lost 5 lbs, 6" (in my abs, hips and waist) and 3% bodyfat. Good luck everyone!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I just love reading everyone's posts--I get so motivated and excited! Thanks for sharing!!! Glad you're feeling better jmf--just don't try to do too much too quickly!!

    Finished out Week 2 today--this week was harder than last. I'm getting tired of sharing the weights with the hubby--I don't mind sharing at all, it's just that when we both need the 15's, I feel guilty if I have them and I'm annoyed (not at him but the circumstances) if I don't. I think we just have to suck it up and buy a set. Sears has Joe Weider adjustable dumbells for around $250--has anyone used these (oh, I think I'll post a topic about that).

    Walked the dog and going to a Zumba class in an hour. Starting next week we're going to be moving the strength days to TU, TH and SA since the Zumba classes are on WE and FR. I'm also going to try to fit abs in at least 1 more day a week. Just wish I had more time...don't we all...
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Oh yeah, and my scale is broken....being an athlete is expensive. I'm going to have to find myself some sponsors!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Just finished my final Push Circuit 3 and Ab Burner. I'll post my stats on Sunday or Monday. Since I forgot to measure after Burn Circuit, it will be the change from the start to the end of Push.

    I start Lean Circuit Monday.
  • timeformajorchange
    LOL @ Cat~ NO KIDDING!! All this equipment is expensive, but worth it in the end! It's an investment on a great return!! But if you do happen to find yourself a sponsor, let me know!

    Just finished Burn It Off and Recharge, ending my 2nd full week of the program. Feeling great, and I know I pushed harder than last time because I was able to do more of the higher impact/intensity stuff (thigh band, more jumping, etc), but also because I burned over 100calories more than last weeks Burn It Off/Recharge combo!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Push 3 and Stretch 10 done!!

    Cee-One more to go and I'll be caught up with you again.

    This morning was Push Circuit 1 and TF Stretch 10. I really wish she had different stretch routines because I can quote her almost verbatim during that class. :laugh: I did move through the leg exercises slowly today and it's still not a challenge (at least not when doing the regular and heel squats). It was a little tough during the one-legged squats though. After shakemybooty told me that she liked the Bowflex page on FB, I went ahead and did the same thing so I can know if and when they put the 552s on sale. Though, crazy as it sounds, I'm now eyeing the 1090s. Those go up to 90 pounds.

    I'm in the 7th week of the hybrid (3rd week for me) and so more TF gets thrown in. I can't wait to do Fire 30 tomorrow. I love those workouts!

    Becka, can't wait to see your results!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Jmf-I hope you're feeling better. Strep hits one of my three kids just about every month of the school year. I wish there was a shot for that!

    Catniss-I was looking at those dumbbells on the sears website too. I keep hoping the weights will go on sale for Father's Day.

    Cee-Going for the big ones now? You animal!! LOL

    I just finished yesterday's workout 45EZ and Abs 10. Two of my children bothered me the ENTIRE time. I distinctly asked "does anyone need anything before I start?" Nope..we're all good. I swear someone bugged me every 5 seconds. Once or twice is ok. Every 5 seconds shoots me into the hulk rage. Since I've been done...I haven't seen or heard a peep from them!! I'm sure the rage boosted my calorie burn but the constant interruptions kept me from getting my footwork right at the end...again. At least this time I remembered not to fire it up so I could hear her directions. Wouldn't you know it..that really helps. Thanks Cee!!

    Push 1 and Stretch 10 are in my near future. I'm afraid if I sneak down there now the kids will find me again.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee, I'm all caught up!! My 2 year old was using 3 lb weights and trying to do it with me.

    I keep forgetting to mention how much I dislike those boots she wears in Push 3. Not a fan of those at all!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Question for those who do Turbo Fire:

    Do you think it would be better if I did the first round of Turbo Fire on it's own or can I go straight to CLX hybrid?

    This is my first round of CLX.... and I'm doing a CLX / Turbo Jam hybrid

    I so want to get started with Turbo Fire, and plan to start it once this round is finished.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Hi girls!!!

    I weighed in and 144 today, WOO HOO!!!

    I'm still doing CLX and I actually re-started the Burn Phase (so MWF is Burn 1,2,3), so I'm doing Burn for 2wks, then Push for 2wks and then Lean for 2wks--just figured I would mix it up a bit. So three days of strength and two-three days of cardio. And I dumped Burn Intervals and Burn It Off for TurboFire (I just needed some new cardio options) and woah, TurboFire is kicking my booty! Those HIIT workouts are no joke, but fun... my whole body was sore last night! I can't wait to dig into TF more and try some of the longer classes. I tried the Core 30 today and that was nice--it's nice to do standing ab work on occasion!

    I hope everyone has a wonderfully healthy weekend!!!!!!!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bootylicious, she even makes fun of herself for wearing those boots! :laugh: I'm glad we're back together again. Ready for a new TF class tomorrow? :happy:

    Marianne, I think it depends on what your needs are. If you want to continue to do strength, I say go straight into the TF/CLX hybrid. She's not starting you off with the hard stuff (as far as TF goes) so you'll be fine transitioning from TJ to TF, in my opinion at least.

    Leslie, woohoo!! Aren't losses fun?
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Question for those who do Turbo Fire:

    Do you think it would be better if I did the first round of Turbo Fire on it's own or can I go straight to CLX hybrid?

    This is my first round of CLX.... and I'm doing a CLX / Turbo Jam hybrid

    I so want to get started with Turbo Fire, and plan to start it once this round is finished.

    I am doing CX and Turbo Fire. I started out doing CX and Turbo Jam cause I didn't have my Fire yet. What I did/do is the Cardio only from the Turbo and follow the CX as written. I just wanted more cardio. Good luck! Whatever you decide will work just keep it up.

    Speaking of which I need to stop cleaning and go do my CX!

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    It's 11:40pm here in London.... and I just finished Burn Intervals 20 minutes ago....

    Before I started, I was so tired & didn't want to do it.... but as it went on I just got into it....!

    Except for..... burpees.... the less said about those, the better....!

    Tomorrow is Burn Circuit 3 & Turbo Jam - Punch, Kick & Jam
  • timeformajorchange
    Is anyone else (who's just started within the last couple weeks) like a hungry hippo?!? OMG I can't seem to eat enough on certain days! Also, I've been so much warmer lately too! Is that part of the "post workout burn" I've heard about? Cuz let me tell feels like "the change of life" sometimes!! LOL I'm only 33 so too young for that though ;)

    Anyone experiencing similar things? How do you deal with it? I've maxed out my calories for the past 4 days in a row, and ended up going over last night. But that was because I decided to have one high day so I could splurge so I can't blame that on the hungriness.

    Anyway, I hope you all have a great day today! Today is a scheduled rest day for me, but I think I may still try to get something in. I'll be gardening alot today, so if nothing else, there is that!! :)

    Marianne~ I agree with you on the burpees!! The less the better!! lol
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    TF 30 and Abs 10 for me today. (I stayed on schedule this time!!) I remembered to do the new to class version so I'd have a chance of following along. That helped until the last set. One of my kids is always bothering me during the last set of every video and then I can't get it. Drives me banananananannas.

    Time-My hunger pains shot through the roof with Insanity. Either I figured out how to eat better or my body finally adjusted to the craziness. I think you're just warmer because your body wants you to strip down and show off your new muscles. :laugh:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I got the answer to the question I asked on your status. LOL I too did TF Fire 30 class and Abs 10 - so no CLX. Rest day tomorrow and then on the last week of the 1st (2nd) month! So excited!

    Time, I have my days where I can't eat enough. That was during the first week that I started the hybrid. I've evened out now, though I have been indulging a bit more than not (such as the frozen yogurt and pizza I had last night :laugh:). I'm still doing well as I can tell my inches are going down. I'm now into size 8 bottoms (started at 12) and can fit some medium tops (started at XL). You won't hear any complaints from me!
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Wow, you know Chalene is motivating when instead of sleeping in as late as I usually do on Saturdays, I got up this morning and did Burn Circuit 3! I was supposed to do it yesterday, but my plans got screwed up. Depending on how the rest of the day goes, I may still try to do Fire 45 EZ (Turbo Fire) tonight. I think I like starting my day off with a good workout. Too bad I already get up at 4:45 just to get to work on time, or otherwise, I would start doing this on weekdays too!

    Time, I totally agree on the hunger issue, especially the day after Burn Intervals! However, I'm still getting good results from maxing out my calories. I'm averaging 1600-1700 calories (consumed, not net) per day, and some days I feel like I could even eat more. As long as I'm still losing weight and reaching my fitness goals, I plan to max out my calories (eat all exercise calories & have one "slightly high" day), and I may even raise my net goal above 1200 as I get closer to where I want to be. Why the heck would I want to eat less if I can still get good results (maybe even better results) from eating more high quality calories?! I do think it may have something to do with the "afterburn" effect. My net goal is exactly the same as it was when I was doing other cardio/light resistance workouts, but all of a sudden, I'm losing weight again!

    BTW, Time: I'm 33 too, and I do feel warmer sometimes, but I seriously doubt it's our hormones! We're still young!!!

    Have a great weekend CLX friends!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    jmf323: Welcome back! Strep Throat is REALLY painful! Come back slow & strong.

    Andi_1977: I'm with you on Burn Intervals! I'm really excited about you starting Turbo Jam!! I LOVE IT! It made me lose 23 lbs in 3 months and created a waist on me! I've NEVER had a waist! The tuck position & all that pumping & housing really carved that waist out of nowhere!

    Beckajw: Lean! How exciting! Show it who's boss, girl!

    Catniss: Please let me know whatcha find out about them Joe Weiders. I need heavier weights, like yesterday! LOL

    Ceelovejay: I feel ya about those light weights, girl! I'm so scared to start & waste time in my Push Phase cuz my weights only go up to 20 & I don't know where to get the money to get more!

    Timeformajorchange: Ab Burner will get easier! My first 2 weeks were sucky, but I can feel my ab strength going through the roof now!

    Marianne_S: I hear ya on that bad week making you tired! Behaving badly on Memorial Day Weekend made this past week so much more slack than the week before that bad weekend. But this week, I PLAN TO BLOW IT OUT THE WATER! LOL

    To ALL: Let's keep kickin butt!

    I'm on my LAST WEEK of Burn Phase! Just did my last Burn Circuit 1 today (paired it with TJ Fat Blaster & TJ Ab Jam). I can't wait to see my 30 day results! The scale has come to a hault again & I'm trying not to let it bum me out. Especially since I had to buy all new workout clothes, sports bras, tank tops (all in size LARGE- I started my weight loss journey at a 2XL), shorts in a size 12 (I started at size 26!). AND I LOVE wearing tank tops now (no more arm hate) and SHORT shorts (LOVE my LEGS!).

    One question I was gonna ask you girls & here comes TMI, but my TOM is UBER (about a week) late (haven't been sexually active in MONTHS), but I've had symptoms of PMS for the past week (wanting sweets, back aches, water retention). When you started this program, did you girls find your TOM schedule changing?

    In other news, my friend just finished TF with phenominal results & is going on to P90X with her husband. So she will be lending me TF for a few months for a test drive!!! When I get it, I may have a few questions for you TF/CLX Hybriding peeps out there! Can't WAIT (Even though I truly am gonna miss my TJ/CLX Hybrid I've been making up as I go)! :wink:

    Keep up the great work, my beautiful peeps! :heart:
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I can relate to the hunger some of you are having, because I am starving all the time too! My calories are more than I want to be taking in lately:(

    I am going to buy HR monitor this weekend so I can start getting a better idea of how many calories I am really burning so I know how much I can eat to keep my net calories around 1250.

    I started my last week of Push today, I am a little sad to leave this phase because I love it so much!!!
    I have a friend who just finished this program and said she noticed the biggest results in the lean phase so that makes me excited:)

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hi Everyone, Just taking a rest from cleaning/ come when you put together a menu it looks easy but then takes you 4/ever to get it all done :huh:

    Anyway, was going to do TF and may still do it really late can be one of my "rest days"...I'll just not take monday as I previously planned.

    I am SUPER tired from cleaning though...can't that count for calories burned?!