Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    I did Push Circuit 3 this morning. I'm up to 25 pounds already on my legs and my weights only go up to 25! I'm also on 15 pounds for my back (I'm really pushing and lifting heavy, as Chalene tells us we should be doing). I wish I could afford the 52.5 pound Select Techs that Chalene uses. I'm aiming to get those some time in the future.

    Google "selecttech coupon" periodically and some times a good one will pop up! I did this all last summer, then close to the end of August, I hit paydirt and found a coupon for 40% off!! I got my SelectTechs for $235! I consider that a screaming deal when they are $400 regular price. Now, I'm on the lookout for another coupon to get a set for my daughter.
    OMG. If I find a code for 40% off I'm going to act like I just won the jackpot on the slots! :laugh: Thanks so much for the tip (and if you don't mind sharing if you ever come across any that'd be great too! - I'm going to add you :smile:)!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Google "selecttech coupon" periodically and some times a good one will pop up! I did this all last summer, then close to the end of August, I hit paydirt and found a coupon for 40% off!! I got my SelectTechs for $235! I consider that a screaming deal when they are $400 regular price. Now, I'm on the lookout for another coupon to get a set for my daughter.
    Holy cow!!! I will absolutely be feverishly and compulsively checking this!!! We have all our free weights lined up at the edge of our mat but we don't have enough weight range and we don't have heavy ones--my hubby (who I convinced to do this with me) and I each dive for the 15 & 20 pounders--it's everybody for themselves now!

    This morning I did the cardio routine--Burn Intervals? I don't know--the 45 min one---wow!!!!!!!! Now I'm starting to feel psyched about this program--it seemed so slow. I'm getting the love! Ran out of time, but I'll get to the Ab Section in the afternoon. Can't wait to do that one!

    I was wearing shorts to do the workout, and I look down to check my knees and--there is definition in my legs!!!!!! It actually looks great.

    I wish everyone a fantastic day! I'm glad you're all here.
    catniss, if you start typing one line under the final close quote code, your response should come up outside the quotation. :smile:

    I kept hearing how the CLX cardio is boring but I think it's actually really good! I love the burn intervals because we get to incorporate lighter weights and get that heart rate up! I think ALL of the ab workouts are tough! I really dislike crunches though.

    Don't you love when you look at yourself and see a little muscle popping out? I did the same thing with my legs yesterday. I was like, look at my quads!! :laugh: Plus, my 14-year-old son has complimented my calves as well.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I don't yet have an HRM so I'm still using the database here--for the Burn Intervals--do you record it as Cardio or Circuit?

    1) Is anyone going to post their results along the way? Or are you going to wait til Day 30 to recheck measurements and update pictures? I do my own personal weight and measurement check-in every week on Sunday morning, but I will probably only post results at the end of every 4 weeks (I'm also doing the hybrid). I do plan on posting results photos when I'm done.

    2) Are you following the ChaLean Extreme diet or just staying within your calorie goals? I don't follow her plan - just try hard to stay within my goals, though some days it's proven difficult to do that! :laugh:

    3) Do we want to be eating more protein than what our goals at set at? I've been over every day this week, but figure since we are breaking down our muscle fibers and rebuilding them, that more protein can't be a bad thing. Everything else is under goal though. Going over protein is not bad (unless your kidneys are in poor shape). So, if you go over don't worry about it. You're absolutely right - the protein helps to rebuild those muscle fibers we're ripping apart. I do two types of protein on lifting days - casein at bedtime the night before and whey directly after working out.

    4) Are you all taking the rest days as scheduled, or are you still trying to do some cardio on those days? Or just taking one rest day a week? I did a Turbo Jam workout on my first rest day, but I know I'm taking my next rest day! Do our bodies need those 2 rest days a week to recover? Anyone know? I definitely take my rest days. I have four children, three of whom are graduating (high school, middle school and kindergarten) within the next couple of weeks so my life is BUSY. I started the program so that my rest days are on Sunday and I definitely leave it that way.

    I think that's all the questions I have been thinking about. :) Keep up the great work everyone!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! We WILL do this!! And Chalene will be there, kicking our butts every step of the way!
    My answers to you are above in bold!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    And last post! Today I did my first TF workout - Fire 45 EZ class. It was SO much fun. If any of you are thinking about doing TF after you've completed CLX, I HIGHLY recommend it!! Enjoy your day!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    1) Is anyone going to post their results along the way? Or are you going to wait til Day 30 to recheck measurements and update pictures? I'VE BEEN WEIGHING IN ALONG THE WAY, NOT MUCH CHANGE THERE. I FORGOT TO RECHECK MY MEASUREMENTS ON DAY 30. NOW WITH ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT IN PUSH, I'LL RECHECK AT THE END OF PUSH AND THE END OF LEAN.

    2) Are you following the ChaLean Extreme diet or just staying within your calorie goals? STAYING WITHIN MY CALORIE GOALS, BUT EATING MORE PROTEIN.

    3) Do we want to be eating more protein than what our goals at set at? I EAT (OR TRY TO EAT) 40% CARBS, 30% PROTEIN, 30% FAT

    4) Are you all taking the rest days as scheduled, or are you still trying to do some cardio on those days? Or just taking one rest day a week? JUST ONE REST DAY A WEEK.
  • timeformajorchange
    And last post! Today I did my first TF workout - Fire 45 EZ class. It was SO much fun. If any of you are thinking about doing TF after you've completed CLX, I HIGHLY recommend it!! Enjoy your day!

    Awesome!! Good to know because I have been eyeing up Turbo Fire for about 2 weeks now!! lol

    Thanks for all the answers to my questions! I just wanted to see what everyone else was doing (to check myself to see if I was doing enough as well or not), and if we were going to be checking in weekly or just at the 30/60/90day mark. I am DEFINITELY posting my 30days results because I KNOW they will be awesome! LOL

    Catniss~~ I'd have to literally sit on the steps and slowly work my way up again if I did this in my basement!! You are wonder woman!! lol

    Cee~ Did you read that protein info somewhere or is that just what works for you? The 2 different kinds, with one at bedtime the night before and one after the workout I mean. I do already have a whey protein shake after the workouts. Should I add the other in too?

    Beckajw~ It is a tad disheartening NOT to see the change on the scale isn't it? Especially since I have 50-60lbs to lose, I was hoping to see a continuous drop for a little while before it started showing the increase that others had warned us about. But oh well! I am putting my faith in the program, even when the scales says I've gained a lb here or there. Stupid thing..... ;) Where you at a "healthy" weight when you started or did you have excess like I do? Cuz I'd better be seeing a pretty good drop on the scale at the end of 30days! LOL Or at least I'm expecting to.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member

    I put it in as Circuit training. But I know this database is ALWAYS higher than what I actually burned according to my HRM ( which the battery died in last night so I didn't get to use it during the interval DVD) so I don't pay attention to what it says I burned doing it.

    I would put the weight lifting routines as Circuit Training and the rest as Aerobics (Burn Intervals, etc.).

    1) Is anyone going to post their results along the way? Or are you going to wait til Day 30 to recheck measurements and update pictures?

    I'm only watching my bodyfat%, but I can post that if we are tracking or whatever the rest of the group choses! if you are having trouble with the tape measure, you can buy body measuring tapes that work pretty slick - they are hard to describe, but they have a handle and you pull out the tape, wrap it around your body part, then put the end of the tape in a slot on the handle. You push a button which retracts the tape down around your body part and you read the result at the handle. They cost about $5 and you can get them at some sporting goods stores and on Amazon:

    2) Are you following the ChaLean Extreme diet or just staying within your calorie goals?

    I don't follow the diet, but again, I've done this program several times before. I stay within a specific calorie goal and also make sure that I eat a quality lean protein at each meal, along with veggies (sometimes fruit) and a whole grain at at least one to two meals. My snack also always contain protein.

    3) Do we want to be eating more protein than what our goals at set at? I've been over every day this week, but figure since we are breaking down our muscle fibers and rebuilding them, that more protein can't be a bad thing. Everything else is under goal though.

    I don't know where MFP automatically drops in the protein goal, however I tend to stick to the rule "1.2 grams of protein per lb. of lean body weight" and it seems to work for me. My diet works out to about 45% carbs (note that's GOOD carbs, veggies, fruits and whole grains - not garbage carbs!!), 35% protein and 20% fat. Again, everyone is really different, so you have to listen to your body and adjust as needed. If I've lifted particularly hard, I'll up the protein. If I'm low on sleep (which seems to happen pretty often these days), I'll up the carbs for energy. It just depends.

    4) Are you all taking the rest days as scheduled, or are you still trying to do some cardio on those days? Or just taking one rest day a week? I did a Turbo Jam workout on my first rest day, but I know I'm taking my next rest day! Do our bodies need those 2 rest days a week to recover? Anyone know?

    I tend to do Yoga or stretching on rest days. Occasionally, I'll take them completely off, but I happen to be a creature of habit and try to work out at the same time every day, which is my "me" time. So if I'm not going to do yoga, then I still plan something that's 'me' time!

    Good questions and good work by everyone!! I did Burn Circuit 2 last night and was able to increase my weight on several exercises - but boy were my arms shakin' after!! Don't you just love the feeling after a really great workout??!!
  • debmeyer
    debmeyer Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on my 3rd week of CLX (actually my 2nd round in a year). I love it, and super happy to get back to it. I also do TurboFire. My question is how do I log in my exercise when doing CLX? I never seem to get credit for much calories burned unless I'm doing cardio.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Beckajw~ It is a tad disheartening NOT to see the change on the scale isn't it? Especially since I have 50-60lbs to lose, I was hoping to see a continuous drop for a little while before it started showing the increase that others had warned us about. But oh well! I am putting my faith in the program, even when the scales says I've gained a lb here or there. Stupid thing..... ;) Where you at a "healthy" weight when you started or did you have excess like I do? Cuz I'd better be seeing a pretty good drop on the scale at the end of 30days! LOL Or at least I'm expecting to.

    I was and still am above what is considered a healthy weight for my height. I'm 5'0", so healthy is below 128. I started CLX at 135, so only 7 pounds to lose to get to that healthy weight. After 6.5 weeks, I'm at 130.8. The weight loss is there, it's just really slow. I assume that is because I'm building muscle (I see the muscle when I flex) while burning the fat. I have lost 1.5 inches in my waist though, so it is working.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I'm only watching my bodyfat%, but I can post that if we are tracking or whatever the rest of the group choses! if you are having trouble with the tape measure, you can buy body measuring tapes that work pretty slick - they are hard to describe, but they have a handle and you pull out the tape, wrap it around your body part, then put the end of the tape in a slot on the handle. You push a button which retracts the tape down around your body part and you read the result at the handle. They cost about $5 and you can get them at some sporting goods stores and on Amazon:

    I'm going to look into that, thanks!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    1) Is anyone going to post their results along the way? Or are you going to wait til Day 30 to recheck measurements and update pictures?
    I'm going to take measurements every 4 weeks, because inch loss doesn't always happen every week.
    2) Are you following the ChaLean Extreme diet or just staying within your calorie goals?
    No, I'm just going to stay within my own goals - I don't like following diets - too restrictive....!
    3) Do we want to be eating more protein than what our goals at set at?

    I'm going to mix up some drink whey protein & unsweetened soya milk after each lifting session
    4) Are you all taking the rest days as scheduled, or are you still trying to do some cardio on those days?
    I'm only taking one rest day a week, and doing cardio on the other - plus I do 30 minutes of cardio on the Burn days as well
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    HI Everyone,
    I just found you today. I am actually just finishing the "burn" phase today. So starting tomorrow, I'm on to the "push" phase. I don't recall EVER sticking to a exercise program for 30 days before.

    I really love this workout! I actually love Chalene's stuff. I just got my turbo fire to add for cardio.:smile:

    I'm ready for the next 30 days.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Just did the Ab Burner--(I think that's the one--I guess I should pay more attention to the name)--not really impressed...I'll probably add in my own stuff for those days and make it a bit longer. I will probably also add abs in more than two days a week. The ad for Hip Hop Abs was placed right after the workout--now that's something I'd like to do--I just wish those programs weren't so darned expensive!~
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Burn 2 (2nd week) completed earlier today... I can feel myself getting stronger already....

    I went up to 16.5 lbs on most of the exercises....
  • timeformajorchange
    Just finished Burn Circuit 3 and I have to say that I took it too easy on myself on some of the exercises. Even with the achy muscles I needed to go heavier than I did on at least 3 of the exercises! WOW!! I did the rest at a great weight, and I'm already upping my upper arm weights! YEEEEESSSSS!! I am going to try the band next time I think though, because I don't want to have to keep running out to buy heavier weights every week or so. ;) Besides, the heavier you need, the more they cost!!! I spent $40 today on just 15lbs ones. I really can't afford to be shelling that (or more) out every week or so to increase the weight. So I'm going to try to do the cardio AND the band basics tomorrow (and maybe on saturday too, which is my scheduled rest day) just so I don't end up all tied up trying to do it during the workout. LOL

    I'm thinking I'm going to try to tackle some cardio yet tonight too, simply because I feel a bit disappointed that I didn't give it my all in BC3. Have a great night all!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    That's why I purchased the adjustable weights because I knew I would have to go up. The problem with that is that the 25 pounds I hold in each hand for the squats aren't heavy enough for failure by rep 8. But, it's still a challenge because my grip sucks! :laugh:

    Today was Push Circuit 1 (start of week 2 for the hybrid) and I upped my weights on most of the exercises (not the V bicep curl - what a challenge!) and did all the pushups on my toes. Yeah! Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend, everyone!!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I did my Burn 3 this morning as well--it went so fast!! I think this is the easiest one of the 3. I know what you mean about the weights--I really need 12's and 20's and I imagine 25's pretty soon. and they are expensive!!! I felt like I pushed myself, but I still had lots of energy afterward so I took the dog for a walk. I'm also going to try to fit some cardio and abs in this afternoon--and probably tomorrow (although we might be going for a long bike ride tomorrow).

    I'm enjoying this tremendously!
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all! I am trying to keep up with this thread but Ive been so busy lately, phew!

    I did Push 1 (week 3) last night and I failed in almost all me lifting! I also did Learn and Burn last night from turbo jam (I just got the program this week). I love Turbo Jam already!!

    I am not doing well on my eating this week:-( Its my own fault though.... I teach and we are wrapping up the school year so there are lots of social events that include yummy foods!!

    I plan to get back on track Monday. I am trying to eat more protien and only whole wheat carbs. I've been stuck at my current weight for 5 weeks so I am going to try to shake things up with my eating to hopefully help a little

    I am taking measurements every 2 weeks (I have to peek!) But I only track them at the end of each phase. In Phase 1 I only lost 3.5 inches total. After two weeks in the burn phase I have lost a total of two more inches so far. My goal was to lose 10 inches all over the time I finish one round of the progam. (I plan to do another round after I finish rather than starting Lean for Life).

    Where is everyone from? I live in Dallas, Texas.
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    I did horribly with eating yesterday. I am SO GOOD until dinner time! But to make up for it I did a Turbo Fire workout.

    Am not losing weight (and last week no inches)...hope this week is better (in one or the other at least).

    I start push phase's to another 30 days :flowerforyou:

    Does everyone actually add the food calories after exercising? I don't get how if you add those calories back in you will loose?!

    I live in Saline, MI

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member

    Does everyone actually add the food calories after exercising? I don't get how if you add those calories back in you will loose?!


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    It explains everything.....