Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23

catniss Posts: 326 Member
Come join us for support, motivation, congratulations and challenges! We're officially starting on Monday 5/23, but we have some members who have already begun and can help along the newbies (like me!).
Further details and specifics will be posted soon, just let me know if you're interested.


  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    Im in!
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    I will actually start Week 1 of the Lean phase on Sunday (so the beginning of month 3), but I'd love to join and offer support/ encouragement/advice for anyone just starting it :D I am SUPER in love with this program.
  • youngtweezy
    youngtweezy Posts: 183
    I'm in!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    We are gonna rock this thing OUT!
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    I am on week one of the Push phase, I would love to join your group though! I need others to keep me motivated!:)
  • greyhoundluv
    I'm in!! I just did my first Burn Circuit 1 today! Had to modify a few things, and I went light on the weight today, but hope to push it (carefully!!) soon. I have chronic neck and shoulder pain so I have to be really careful when I lift weights, but I am desperate to build some nice lean muscle and this seems like the way to do it!
    Go Chalean MFP Team!!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Done with exercise days for Week 1 of Burn Phase (tomorrow's a rest day & I start the second week of Burn Phase on Saturday)! I LOVE IT!!!! Today, I did Burn It Off & Recharge. At the end of Burn It Off, Chalene says to grade your effort: a 10 would be giving it 100%, a 7 would be that you took it easy on a few exercises. I gave myself a 7 for today. The beginning of her Cardio Exercises always starts out really intense in the first round & then tapers off a tad for the rest. I realize this now. I didn't know this before today, so I took it easy. But next week, I know I'm going 100% all the way! So, long story short, I feel like this first week has just been a gague/test for how EXTREME you can take it.
    Something I would recommend for those who haven't begun yet, is to (if possible) watch the next day's exercise the night before. This way, you'll know what to expect and will know how hard to push it. And you'll only have to be doing the pre-watching on the first week of each month. I'm definitely gonna do this my first week of Push & again on my first week of Lean.
    Another thing to review is the Extreme Motivation Audio CD and the Healthy Eats & Kitchen Makeover DVD. It gives you lots of pointers and great advice. I can't wait for all of us to start! This is gonna be BRILLIANT!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    These are all such great suggestions--thanks! I just started listening to the motivational CD in the car and my 11 yr old son was listening with me and he's decided that he wants to do the program with me!! How cute is that?? We'll see just how long he lasts, but he is pretty determined.
    At least I won't have to feel like I'm ignoring him to get my workout in!!
    I can't wait 'til Monday either!!!
  • ChirishGirl
    ChirishGirl Posts: 111
    Hiya! I just finished my last official week of Burn Phase and will be starting Push on Saturday (oy vey!). I was a little intimidated and a little excited at first - but I TOTALLY dig it. I did the whole month without skipping a session (and I even did the Fat Blaster work out on my days off - LOVE that one!)

    If you haven't started yet know that you CAN do it because really, it's ONE set of 10-12 reps for each exercise and you CAN do one set. I'm usually sweating by the time we finish the first exercise and it's a GOOD sweat (but I still say ICK - I hate sweating). And the whole routine goes by a lot faster than you'd think when you're just concentrating on one exercise at a time. I am the last person to be called an exercise junkie - but I really do actually enjoy doing this every day.

    So best of luck to everyone starting out, way to go on those in the process already!
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    I need to listen to the motivatoinal CD! I did Push circuit 1 today, I just started week 2 of push. I need heavier weights because I did not reach failure on a few of the moves. I am excited to feel stronger!! I have only lost one pound and four inches total since starting but I guess its a start.
  • timeformajorchange
    Ok I'm in too!! lol I pulled this thread up to read awhile ago, and had to look online again at CE before I committed myself. :) I bought the program when it first came out, but haven't used it at all (BAD!! BAD!!). I'm ready to rock and roll! And shake and shed too! :)
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Im in, i've been meaning to start this for a while. Going to shred till monday so its not so much of a shock when i start. Been a bit slack on the exercise front recently!!
  • timeformajorchange
    I think I'm going to have to start Sunday. My Monday is going to be too busy to ensure I have the time for a workout! :) I am very excited to start!!
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I'm a first-time poster, but I've been using the site & lurking the boards for a few months now. I just started the Burn Phase this week, and I LOVE it! I started with 30DS, but I kinda lost interest after a while, and I definitely didn't push myself as hard as I have this week with Chalene!

    I completed Burn Circuit 2 last night...burned over 300 calories and had HUGE beads of sweat dripping off of me by the time I was done! I still suck at pushups, but I really gave it 100% on everything else...I got so focused that the 37 minutes FLEW by! Chalene is a great motivator!

    I would really like to get your input on my nutrition plan while I'm doing CLX. I've pretty much been sticking to a net of around 1300 (a little more than what MFP gives me for 1 lb/wk), but I've only lost about 5 pounds or so in 2 months. That's probably because I don't have a huge amount to lose (I'm at 155 right now), I've gone from hardly working out at all to averaging 5 days a week of a mixture of 30DS and various cardio (eating back ALL of the calories I've burned per my HRM)....and I've definitely gone a little overboard on Saturdays. However, the other 6 days of the week I eat probably at least 80% clean (at least 90 grams of lean protein, modest amounts of whole grain carbs, sugar only from fruit/dairy/good carbs, primarily whole or minimally processed foods). For now my plan is to stick to 1500 calories consumed 6 days of the week, regardless of how many calories I've burned (max will probably be 500 when I add cardio on my burn circuit days). If my net goes below 1200, it would make sure to go no lower than 1000 (I'm short, so I'm thinking this may be okay, as long as I'm eating more than 1200), and I would save the extra 200 burned but not consumed until my Saturday "whatever I want, but within my remaining calories meal". What do y'all think of this?

    I didn't mean to get so long-winded in my first post, but I'm really excited about doing CLX and sharing my experience with y'all!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    If I haven't responded to you, sorry--getting ready to go away for the weekend. I'll friend you all and I'll get everyone together.

    To all CHX'ers--I won't be around until Sun evening, but I'll go through the posts and collect everyone's name and put the first week's challenge up (and I realize that many of you have already begun, so the challenges might be repetitive, sorry about that) and we'll all start reporting in on Monday.

    This is the first group I've tried to "run", so we can all expect bumps along the way--if anyone has any suggestions for how it might go better, please don't hesitate to let me know--I welcome the input!!

    I'm so excited--if I weren't going away I'd be doing it tonight!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • timeformajorchange
    Well today is my start day!! I'm all ready, set, and excited!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'm in for CX again! I will be gone the week of 5/29 through 6/4 so that week is shot! I have done her program a couple of times and saw better results than when using P90X. On the cardio days I throw in Insanity,Turbo Fire, run, bike etc;; cuz just doing her cardio gets a little monotonous!! Am I to message you to find the thread title for tomorrow?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'm in for CX again! I will be gone the week of 5/29 through 6/4 so that week is shot! I have done her program a couple of times and saw better results than when using P90X. On the cardio days I throw in Insanity,Turbo Fire, run, bike etc;; cuz just doing her cardio gets a little monotonous!! Am I to message you to find the thread title for tomorrow?
    You know what? On second thought I will let you know on this cuz I may purchase a couple of Kettlebell workouts and do them instead. Have you seen the results doing this type of workout?? It is awesome!!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I just ordered this. I will join and do a circuit training dvd until Chalean arrives. :)
  • youngtweezy
    youngtweezy Posts: 183
    I did my measurements today. I'm excited. What calorie level will everyone be eating at -- maintenance for strength days and a deficit for cardio? What are the guidelines we're following?