Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • Ok for those of you who have done at least the Burn phase already (if not the whole program)..... I've been reading a few posts that stated they didn't lose much or as much as they expected, etc etc...

    I'm starting out 50-60lbs overweight so I am expecting a pretty big difference between now and even at the 30day mark. Is this realistic or am I setting myself up for disappointment? I'd like to lose at least a couple clothes sizes, and HOPEFULLY somewhere in the 8-12lbs range. Is that too much to expect do you think? I am following the program schedule, and will try to fit in cardio of some kind on at least one rest day. I am not following the diet included but I have kept my net calories under my goal every day so far (my cals are set at 1510), but the protein is always over.

    I know it's impossible to guess how much someone else will lose doing a program, but for those of you that have done at least the first phase.... were you slightly disappointed in your results after the first 30days, satisfied with them but not overly joyed, or extremely happy (and surprised) with them? Did you start out at significantly overweight as I am, or where you at a more healthy weight? I'm just trying to judge about what I can expect after 30 days so I don't expect too much, get disappointed, and quit. :) I'm REAL good at that. So I'm trying to give myself a reality check about it.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Can I be in??? I'm not sure how I missed this before?!?!

    I'm a CLX grad who's been doing Lean for Life, but I just re-started Burn Circuit 1 on Monday! I'm just probably going to switch up the cardio this time around and do TurboFire instead of Burn Intervals & Burn It Off.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE CLX!!!!!!!!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    This is my sister's response, who is almost out of the push phase but has done the burn:
    I loved the Burn phase. I lost my 10lbs during that phase. I was pretty surprised since I wasn't expecting to lose all that weight in the first place. My goal has always been to tone and LOOK like I lost weight. Never imagined that I would have had that much of a weight loss during the first month. She should definitely take before/after pics because even if the scale doesn't move she will definitely see more muscle tone and a smaller frame.
    I don't know why I had to post that since she's a member of the site too! :laugh: But there you go. She initially only wanted to lose 3 pounds, if that's any reference for you. :smile:
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I'm just reading through the threads on here and I just want to say, YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO GET SO STRONG!!!!!!! Just stick with it!!!!!

    It's fun reading everyone's comments about the first week and how they are so sore and can't walk stairs. I SO remember that feeling. :D My body was literally IN SHOCK the first two weeks of CLX and I gained the notorious 4lbs from weight training water weight and my muscles freaking out. But it all went away, here's a great blog post by Chalene that explains all of that...

    My first 90 days w/ CLX was amazing and I'm still in love with the program. Do your weight and measurements every 30 days, take pics and no matter what you do, don't stop pushing play!! I missed 1-2wks while I was doing Lean due to illness and let me tell you, it nearly killed me to not work out. A change I thought would never happen!

    And now that I re-started Burn over again on Monday I'm telling you I can now kill it with the weights. Lifting primarily 15, 20 & 25's and for some of the legs I can use my husband's 35's! And I'm not sore! In fact, I have to work REALLY hard and REALLY push myself to get sore these days!!

    Oh and lastly, here's what I lost during each phase... Day 1: 168, Day 30 after Burn: 160, Day 60 after Push: 157, Day 90 after Lean: 148. Push is notoriously the phase where you don't lose a lot, b/c you're lifting SO heavy, but I feel like my hardwork in Push set me up for a great loss during Lean. I really think that Push is what really revved up my metabolism!! It was and still is my favorite phase!

    As always, I'm ALWAYS up for chatting about ChaLEAN Extreme, so if you have any questions I'm more than happy to answer. :D
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Leslie, do you mind if I add you as a friend? I can use as much support as possible! I'm doing the TF/CLX hybrid though - not that that makes any difference. :laugh:
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    For sure, Cee! :D
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Just finished week 2 of Burn Phase today!!! I'm gonna wait to measure myself tomorrow & do another weigh in! Last week, I lost no weight. But this week, I've already lost 2.5 lbs!!!!! ::giant smile:: That leaves me at 184.5 lbs. When I lose that half a pound, I'll be down 80 lbs with only 44 to go!
    @ Leslie: Thank you for the info & for friending me! I'm sure I'll be asking you lots of questions.
    @ TimeForMajorChange:
    1. I'll be posting my progress every week on Saturday (which is my start day for each week).
    2. I'm roughly doing the CLX diet. My breakfast, snacks & dinner are almost always from the Fat Burning Food Guide.
    3. I try to aim at 100 grams or more of protein a day.
    4. I hardly ever take any rest days. I know my body needs rest, but I only take one if my body is asking or it. I just feel better doing something every day. I'm doing a Turbo Jam/ CLX Hybrid I'm making up as I go.
    *Feel free to friend me, my food diary is open for anyone to see.
    SO PUMPED about starting week 3 of burn phase tomorrow! Everyone keep on rockin it! <3
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    Oh my goodness guys, I just finished my first week of Lean phase, and man is it ROUGH! But in a good way :D My arms are jelly, my legs are sore, and I'm just all over tired...but I feel SO GOOD about my efforts! CLX has helped me lose 17 pounds so far, I'm looking forward to seeing how it changes my body in the next three weeks :D I need to take new measurements to see how many inches I've lost, I haven't done that since I started.

    You guys are awesome! GO HEAVY OR GO HOME!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    So many posts since I was last here. That's so exciting...

    Leslie, thanks for the friend's great to know someone who already pushed through this.

    I haven't been losing a lot of weight either but I know my clothes fit A LOT better. I was pushing a 16 and now can get back into a few of my 12's. The places I've been losing are the ones you can't really measure, so there isn't a good "record" to show the progress...just really wish my stomach would go a little away :cry:

    So with that being is SO WORTH IT TO KEEP GOING!!!!


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  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    For sure, Cee! :D

    Leslie: Your story tells it all...Can't wait till mine arrives in the mail. Have been doing other circuit workouts while waiting. Finally feel like I have the eating under control again....lesson learned....weight can creep back up faster than it fell off! I had good advice from a friend on MFP...go back to what was working for you before. So I went back to days when I had success and studied what and when I was eating. I hope I found my groove again.

    Have an awesome weekend all!:flowerforyou:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    Oh and lastly, here's what I lost during each phase... Day 1: 168, Day 30 after Burn: 160, Day 60 after Push: 157, Day 90 after Lean: 148. Push is notoriously the phase where you don't lose a lot, b/c you're lifting SO heavy, but I feel like my hardwork in Push set me up for a great loss during Lean. I really think that Push is what really revved up my metabolism!! It was and still is my favorite phase!

    As always, I'm ALWAYS up for chatting about ChaLEAN Extreme, so if you have any questions I'm more than happy to answer. :D

    Hi Leslie,

    Thx for the adding me as a friend.....

    I mainly chose to do CLX because I knew I had to do some form of toning to complement my cardio exercises.

    I started with doing the 30 Day Shred - a loot of people on MFP get sucked in doing the shred because it's such a short workout... but my knees didn't like it & I felt it moved too fast .... I then did No More Trouble Zones for 6 weeks.... but I always had no motivation to do it... tried to avoid doing it....! And realised it was because I found it boring.... and plus I hate circuit training... ever since I was in school.... boring....!

    So, found out about CLX... read on here that lifting heavy will tone muscles like crazy.... and got stuck in.... I have to say I love it.....! The 30 minute lifting sessions fly by.... I sweat like crazy doing it (I'm a little rain cloud....!!!!)..... I even like all of the other classes in the schedule.

    I'm actually quite surprised I look forward to following the schedule & that I'm not bored yet.... which is why I made up a Turbo Jam / CLX hybrid schedule....

    So for me, this is all about fitness..... I know I'm going to lose some weight & inches on my journey.... I just want enjoy myself doing it.....

    I want to move on to Turbo Fire.... but was going to wait until after I finish the 90 days on this program. Then do a one round of just Turbo Fire on its own..... is that a good idea?

    I have a feeling I'm not going to want to give up CLX after I finish the Lean phase......!
  • jmf323~ I live in a small, northeastern town in Minnesota. An hour north of Duluth (3.5hrs north of the Twin cities). I've been to Dallas once and I fell in LOVE with it! Granted I only saw the same area for one weekend (was there on a conference), but I thought it was a fantastic area!

    Thank you all for the replies to my questions! I am sure I will have more as we go along. :) FANTASTIC results so far and I couldn't be happier doing this kick *kitten* program with all you wonderful people going thru the same pain and suffering as I am!! LOL GOOD Pain and suffering though! It's also great to hear what results other people have gotten, because as I've said before, i have a tendency to expect too much sometimes. And when I don't get those results, I get frustrated and quit. And I don't want to quit this program! It's amazing how strong you feel!!!!

    I only got thru the Burn It Off last night, so I'm going to do recharge today. I may even try to do a TJ workout too, just to get in something. Although i am doing laundry today and so I have ALL day to walk up and down at least one flight of stairs, occasionally 2 when I have to get to my children's rooms. I hope I can still walk at the end of the day! :D I'll be checking in periodically today as well. Have a fabulous day everyone!!!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Did the Burn It Off and Recharge workouts this morning--whew, talk about sweating! I got the mats wet and then I slipped doing one of the exercises--didn't hurt myself, just made me laugh. Oh, my hips and butt and hamstrings and quads are sore!! That's a great thing!!

    Hey, has anyone tried the Get On The Ball workouts?? They look great but they're expensive.

    Something that's really bothering me--I have been really dedicated and consistent with my workouts--not just with these but for the last few months--but for the life of me,for the last few months I haven't been able to get control of my eating! And my weight loss, understandably has stopped. It's not from being "hungry" per se, just not able to change my pattern of binging at night. If I could stop eating after dinner, I would have probably already reached my goal and yet I'm not doing it. I hate myself with each bite and with so many bites happening, that's a lot of hatred.

    I'll finish this later--got family stuff going on now.
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    timeforachange: I haven't lost that much...only 7 pounds and a few inches in the first 30 days; however, I have noticed clothes fitting better. Don't give up...I do the same thing...if not see results within a few weeks I stop...Don't give up!!! This is the longest I've ever done any work out and I think it's worth more than the "pounds". It's about taking care of yourself.

    catniss: I definitely feel your pain with the are not alone! I also have been "hating" myself...have you listened to CX's motivation CD? We have to start loving ourselves and yes, we mess up...but so do others...and don't we forgive them? Forgive yourself and move on. Don't Stop!

    Good Luck! Bev
  • Did the Burn It Off and Recharge workouts this morning--whew, talk about sweating! I got the mats wet and then I slipped doing one of the exercises--didn't hurt myself, just made me laugh. Oh, my hips and butt and hamstrings and quads are sore!! That's a great thing!!

    Hey, has anyone tried the Get On The Ball workouts?? They look great but they're expensive.

    Something that's really bothering me--I have been really dedicated and consistent with my workouts--not just with these but for the last few months--but for the life of me,for the last few months I haven't been able to get control of my eating! And my weight loss, understandably has stopped. It's not from being "hungry" per se, just not able to change my pattern of binging at night. If I could stop eating after dinner, I would have probably already reached my goal and yet I'm not doing it. I hate myself with each bite and with so many bites happening, that's a lot of hatred.

    I'll finish this later--got family stuff going on now.

    Cat~ Night munching used to be my vice as well. At first I tried to just have more fresh fruit/veggies cut up and handy to grab if I was in the munching mood. But then I stuck with just veggies because even the fruit calories would add up quickly! But honestly... the ONLY thing that really helped me curb my night time eating was to brush my teeth at a set time (I chose 8, because that's when my kids brush and it was after they were in bed that I'd raid the cupboards). It really helped because I liked how clean my teeth felt and I didn't then want to eat something and get that "dirty" feeling on my teeth again. Or chewing gum sometimes will help as well. I've also heard people will chug a glass of water before eating anything and sometimes that's enough to make them feel "full" and thus curb the impulse to grab something else. Sipping hot tea or decaf coffee too. Also on another thread I used be on, some people would jump on the site instead of grazing thru their kitchens, especially if they knew they were just munching "just because" and not because they were actually hungry. Good luck to you!! I know it's so hard to change the bad habits that got us all where we are (or were), but we are here for support if you need us!

    Bev~ You are ABSOLUTELY right! It isn't just seeing a lower number on the scale.. it's about bettering ourselves and getting healthy! I have to think of it more in those terms instead of just what size I wear and what number I see on the scale. It's just hard to change the mindset I've had since I first started dieting at age 13. I will definitely stick with this program for the 90days because I won't know if it works or not if I only do part of it and I don't fully commit to it.

    SO THIS IS ME, COMMITTING TO THE FULL 90DAYS OF CHALEAN EXTREME WITH ALL YOU WONDERFUL, STRONG, DETERMINED PEOPLE!! I promise you all I will do my part, I will do my workouts, I will be 99% good with my food, I will stick to the routine we are all following. Now that I've told you all that, I am now accountable to all of you and I'm more likely to stick with it on the times I don't feel like it. Because I know there will be days or meals that I just want to go crazy.
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    I took the "day off" but w/all the running around, I'm sure tired! I don't think I can afford to eat "healthy"...the grocery bill was so high :sad:

    I took Chalene's advice and cut up all the vegs and washed all the fruits and put them in the refrigerator in clear bowls...we'll see how this goes...

    The funny thing though is my 17 year old son saw the grapes and was excited and started eating them...maybe this will catch on.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Burn Circuit 3 today - a day late, but done just the same! Think my shoulders are gonna feel this one tomorrow!!

    bevgay - I do something similar to this - I buy peppers (red, orange, green and red),broccoli, zucchini, yellow squash, onions, mangoes, berries, etc. cut them up and freeze them!! The peppers and onions make meal preps so quick and easy in a pinch - just pull them already cut into slices from the freezer and toss into a stir fry with your lean meat of choice! I can have a completely healthy dinner on the table in 20 minutes that way! And, if you stock up and freeze when things are in season, its so much cheaper! I also freeze cut up, mixed fruit into 1-cup size bags for quick smoothies - my 15 y.o. daughter especially loves tto grab one of these freezer bags to make a quick healthy afternoon snack or quick breakfast!

    cat - I also do the toothbrushing trick to curb night time munching - once I brush my teeth, I won't eat anything else because I don't want to get them dirty! I also make sure I clean up the kitchen, clean the sink and turn off the lights - kitchen is CLOSED.

    Hope everyone is having a safe, fun and healthy Memorial Weekend!! Keep pushing PLAY!
  • Morning group!!

    I was scheduled for a rest day yesterday, but I decided to do Burn It Off and Recharge since I had taken it easy on the first workout last week (didn't use heavy enough weights), and I had only gotten in one of the two scheduled workouts on Friday. I didn't take any rest days last week, but I think I might take my next one. Today is the start of Week 2 for me. So back to Burn Circuit 1, and I know I need heavier weights now so I'm looking forward to sweating!!

    Hope you all have a great day today!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    I did the Push Phase one workout...boy was it tough! The good thing was that it's only 6 to 8 reps...Chalene wants you to lift very heavy...OMG!!!!:noway: but I made it w/15 pounds. That's the most I've ever lifted!!!!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    I did the Push Phase one workout...boy was it tough! The good thing was that it's only 6 to 8 reps...Chalene wants you to lift very heavy...OMG!!!!:noway: but I made it w/15 pounds. That's the most I've ever lifted!!!!
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