Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Your abs are like any other muscle group - they need time to recover. You only need to work your abs three times per week at most. They are one of the easiest muscle groups to build, but one of the hardest to see, unfortunately! That is because your stomach is usually the last place from which you lose fat. The best way to see your abs is a clean diet.

    Also, you don't have to do cardio on lifting days. I know that a lot of people do it because they see on their HRM that they didnt burn that many calories during their weight lifting routine so they think they need to throw in some extra cardio to make up for it. That's really not true because with weight lifting, your body is actually still burning calories at an accelerated rate for hours after your workout, whereas with cardio you only burn extra calories while you are working out. If you feel the need to do cardio on a weight lifting day, you should do it after weights. If you do the cardio first, then you are trying to lift weights using muscles that you've already fatigued during cardio and your lifting won't be nearly as effective as it would have been had you lifted first.

    My workout week goes something like this:

    Day 1 - abs, weights (I always to abs first so I do a good job and am not tempted to slack off!)
    Day 2 - cardio
    Day 3 - abs, weights
    Day 4 - cardio
    Day 5 ab, weights
    Day 6 - cardio
    Day - 7 rest or stretching/yoga


    In my schedule, I only have one workout for abs (on Friday) - so I think I need to add another day in.

    I wear a KiFit (UK BodyMedia Fit), so I have a very good idea of how many calories I burn a day. Yesterday, my total calorie burn was 3500 - normally I burn between 2800 - 3100.... so I can already see how the weight lifting has improved my calorie burn.

    I mainly do the cardio because I totally enjoy Turbo Jam, and I want to move on to Turbo Fire.....
    Also, I had a feeling there wasn't going to be enough cardio in CLX - now that I've done a whole week of BURN, I can see that I was right.....

    I have been doing the cardio first, because I want to warm my body up before lifting - I'm lifting 16.5 pounds on the squats. On the weights days, the cardio is no longer than 30 minutes.
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    mmtiernan said:
    "Also, you don't have to do cardio on lifting days. I know that a lot of people do it because they see on their HRM that they didnt burn that many calories during their weight lifting routine so they think they need to throw in some extra cardio to make up for it. That's really not true because with weight lifting, your body is actually still burning calories at an accelerated rate for hours after your workout, whereas with cardio you only burn extra calories while you are working out. If you feel the need to do cardio on a weight lifting day, you should do it after weights. If you do the cardio first, then you are trying to lift weights using muscles that you've already fatigued during cardio and your lifting won't be nearly as effective as it would have been had you lifted first."

    I'm really glad you said this, because I was feeling guilty that I haven't been able to work in extra cardio on my lifting days, like I had originally planned. The reason that I wanted to add the cardio was exactly as you stated...I wanted to see the extra burn. However, I have already found that I am benefitting much more from just doing the Burn Circuits on their scheduled days. I hadn't lost anything in a while, and just since starting CLX within the last 8 days, I've lost 1.5 pounds already! I've been eating the same as I was before I started CLX, so either I wasn't eating enough for the cardio I was doing (roughly 1500 cals per day, including exercise calories), or CLX really gives you a great burn that you don't necessarily see on your HRM! I know the loss may not continue as I build up to using progressively heavier weights, but I'm so happy to see this program working so well for me already. Plus, I absolutely love doing it!
  • timeformajorchange
    Just finished Burn 2. YEEOWZA!! In a good way, of course... but I reiterate YEEOWZA!! Those push ups at the end were killers!! But I cannot wait to see what my body looks like after 30days!!! I also realized I will definitely have to go out and buy heavier weights. Who knew I actually had muscle under all this cushioning?!?

    Let's keep up the great work!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I'm in the third week of the Push Phase. I did cardio on weight days during the beginning of the burn phase. ALWAYS after weights. However, I completely stopped doing cardio weight days during my 4th week of the Burn Phase and I haven't done any cardio at all on weight days during the Push Phase (except that I do zumba once a week and sometimes that falls on a weight day).

    I haven't found the need to do any extra cardio, in fact, I feel like I am getting better results now.
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    mmtiernan: My workout week is very similar to yours! I do abs and weights together and then cardio the other three days with a day of rest. So far I like it alot.

    Tonight was Push 3, I upped my weights by 3-5lbs for each circuit, I love feeling this strong!!

    Is anyone else in the push phase finding that they are really hungry? I have been starving in this phase and I know Chalene says it's normal, but I am finding myself going over my calories each day even though I am trying to get plenty of protien, fiber, etc....

    I am thinking I will buy a heart rate monitor soon so that I can stop guessing what I am burning and know for sure.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm going to start the hybrid with TF as soon as my programs are delivered.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    mmtiernan: My workout week is very similar to yours! I do abs and weights together and then cardio the other three days with a day of rest. So far I like it alot.

    Tonight was Push 3, I upped my weights by 3-5lbs for each circuit, I love feeling this strong!!

    Is anyone else in the push phase finding that they are really hungry? I have been starving in this phase and I know Chalene says it's normal, but I am finding myself going over my calories each day even though I am trying to get plenty of protien, fiber, etc....

    I am thinking I will buy a heart rate monitor soon so that I can stop guessing what I am burning and know for sure.
    My sister and I were chatting about his last night. On lifting days, I definitely go over my calories! But I have been reading over and over again that you won't build muscle on a deficit but rather a surplus. Something like that. Or you'd lose a lot of muscle and fat when you lift on a deficit. I need to read some more. :laugh:

    I did Push Circuit 3 this morning. I'm up to 25 pounds already on my legs and my weights only go up to 25! I'm also on 15 pounds for my back (I'm really pushing and lifting heavy, as Chalene tells us we should be doing). I wish I could afford the 52.5 pound Select Techs that Chalene uses. I'm aiming to get those some time in the future.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    jmf, I also wanted to add that I've read that your burn from strength training lasts 24-48 hours after you've finished, thus why we're hungry all the time. HTH! :smile:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I did Push Circuit 3 this morning. I'm up to 25 pounds already on my legs and my weights only go up to 25! I'm also on 15 pounds for my back (I'm really pushing and lifting heavy, as Chalene tells us we should be doing). I wish I could afford the 52.5 pound Select Techs that Chalene uses. I'm aiming to get those some time in the future.

    I got these ( after I did the first week, when I realised that I needed to go a lot heavier. They're not that pretty - there were others that looked a lot better on Amazon - but didn't go as heavy as these.

    Oh, they're not as easy to change as the select techs - but I already felt sick at paying $160 for them..... and can't ever see myself paying out more than that for some weights.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    TO ANYONE WHO HAS ASKED TO JOIN THE GROUP--YOU ARE TOTALLY WELCOME!!! I apologize if I haven't responded to each of you, I've trying to balance all parts of my life (as are we all) and I've been tipped in the MFP direction, so I've had to cut back a bit...however, I'm still working out and fully intend to participate in the group.

    I did Burn 2 this morning and it went MUCH better, meaning I feel like I got a real workout in. I went much slower and much heavier and really focused on each movement--I was totally soaked by the time I was done--but exhilarated nonetheless.

    I did my measurements this morning, I will post them later.

    To all the CHX'ers out there--have a fantastic day!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I did Push Circuit 3 this morning. I'm up to 25 pounds already on my legs and my weights only go up to 25! I'm also on 15 pounds for my back (I'm really pushing and lifting heavy, as Chalene tells us we should be doing). I wish I could afford the 52.5 pound Select Techs that Chalene uses. I'm aiming to get those some time in the future.

    I got these ( after I did the first week, when I realised that I needed to go a lot heavier. They're not that pretty - there were others that looked a lot better on Amazon - but didn't go as heavy as these.

    Oh, they're not as easy to change as the select techs - but I already felt sick at paying $160 for them..... and can't ever see myself paying out more than that for some weights.
    Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, they're not available on the U.S. Amazon site. :frown:
  • timeformajorchange
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one that seems to be more hungry after doing this a little bit! Seems like I have a major case of the munchies today, so I'm trying to grab healthier options. Also I'm one day ahead of the schedule (I started Sunday night instead of Monday), so I'm on a cardio day. Thankfully, or I wouldn't have any calories left for dinner without going over my goal! lol
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one that seems to be more hungry after doing this a little bit! Seems like I have a major case of the munchies today, so I'm trying to grab healthier options. Also I'm one day ahead of the schedule (I started Sunday night instead of Monday), so I'm on a cardio day. Thankfully, or I wouldn't have any calories left for dinner without going over my goal! lol
    :laugh: I understand what you mean. I've definitely gone over a few days!! Tomorrow is my first TF day. So excited! (And I think I've said that already :laugh:). Please don't mind me. I just love Chalene so much! Anyone here doing or have done her 30-day challenge?
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member

    I did Push Circuit 3 this morning. I'm up to 25 pounds already on my legs and my weights only go up to 25! I'm also on 15 pounds for my back (I'm really pushing and lifting heavy, as Chalene tells us we should be doing). I wish I could afford the 52.5 pound Select Techs that Chalene uses. I'm aiming to get those some time in the future.

    Google "selecttech coupon" periodically and some times a good one will pop up! I did this all last summer, then close to the end of August, I hit paydirt and found a coupon for 40% off!! I got my SelectTechs for $235! I consider that a screaming deal when they are $400 regular price. Now, I'm on the lookout for another coupon to get a set for my daughter.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member

    Google "selecttech coupon" periodically and some times a good one will pop up! I did this all last summer, then close to the end of August, I hit paydirt and found a coupon for 40% off!! I got my SelectTechs for $235! I consider that a screaming deal when they are $400 regular price. Now, I'm on the lookout for another coupon to get a set for my daughter.

    Holy cow!!! I will absolutely be feverishly and compulsively checking this!!! We have all our free weights lined up at the edge of our mat but we don't have enough weight range and we don't have heavy ones--my hubby (who I convinced to do this with me) and I each dive for the 15 & 20 pounders--it's everybody for themselves now!

    This morning I did the cardio routine--Burn Intervals? I don't know--the 45 min one---wow!!!!!!!! Now I'm starting to feel psyched about this program--it seemed so slow. I'm getting the love! Ran out of time, but I'll get to the Ab Section in the afternoon. Can't wait to do that one!

    I was wearing shorts to do the workout, and I look down to check my knees and--there is definition in my legs!!!!!! It actually looks great.

    I wish everyone a fantastic day! I'm glad you're all here.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I don't yet have an HRM so I'm still using the database here--for the Burn Intervals--do you record it as Cardio or Circuit?
  • timeformajorchange
    I don't yet have an HRM so I'm still using the database here--for the Burn Intervals--do you record it as Cardio or Circuit?

    I put it in as Circuit training. But I know this database is ALWAYS higher than what I actually burned according to my HRM ( which the battery died in last night so I didn't get to use it during the interval DVD) so I don't pay attention to what it says I burned doing it.

    ALMOST thru the first week!!! Anyone else feel like they are going to fall to pieces when they have to climb stairs?! LOL I just keep thinking ahead to Day 30 and the results I hope I see then.

    1) Is anyone going to post their results along the way? Or are you going to wait til Day 30 to recheck measurements and update pictures?

    2) Are you following the ChaLean Extreme diet or just staying within your calorie goals?

    3) Do we want to be eating more protein than what our goals at set at? I've been over every day this week, but figure since we are breaking down our muscle fibers and rebuilding them, that more protein can't be a bad thing. Everything else is under goal though.

    4) Are you all taking the rest days as scheduled, or are you still trying to do some cardio on those days? Or just taking one rest day a week? I did a Turbo Jam workout on my first rest day, but I know I'm taking my next rest day! Do our bodies need those 2 rest days a week to recover? Anyone know?

    I think that's all the questions I have been thinking about. :) Keep up the great work everyone!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! We WILL do this!! And Chalene will be there, kicking our butts every step of the way!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I don't yet have an HRM so I'm still using the database here--for the Burn Intervals--do you record it as Cardio or Circuit?

    I record it as Circuit. MFP is higher than my HRM, but it's the closest workout. Just as an example, I'm 5'0' and weigh 130.8. My calories burned for Burn Intervals are generally around 320.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I don't yet have an HRM so I'm still using the database here--for the Burn Intervals--do you record it as Cardio or Circuit?

    I put it in as Circuit training. But I know this database is ALWAYS higher than what I actually burned according to my HRM ( which the battery died in last night so I didn't get to use it during the interval DVD) so I don't pay attention to what it says I burned doing it.

    ALMOST thru the first week!!! Anyone else feel like they are going to fall to pieces when they have to climb stairs?! LOL I just keep thinking ahead to Day 30 and the results I hope I see then.

    1) Is anyone going to post their results along the way? Or are you going to wait til Day 30 to recheck measurements and update pictures?

    2) Are you following the ChaLean Extreme diet or just staying within your calorie goals?

    3) Do we want to be eating more protein than what our goals at set at? I've been over every day this week, but figure since we are breaking down our muscle fibers and rebuilding them, that more protein can't be a bad thing. Everything else is under goal though.

    4) Are you all taking the rest days as scheduled, or are you still trying to do some cardio on those days? Or just taking one rest day a week? I did a Turbo Jam workout on my first rest day, but I know I'm taking my next rest day! Do our bodies need those 2 rest days a week to recover? Anyone know?

    I think that's all the questions I have been thinking about. :) Keep up the great work everyone!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! We WILL do this!! And Chalene will be there, kicking our butts every step of the way!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I don't think I'll EVER get the hang of this quote thing....grrrrr.

    Anyway, thanks for the replies about how to count the cals...maybe I should just count it as aerobics since that records less calories.

    @timeformajorchange--I work out in my basement and I think the hardest part of the workout is making it back up!

    1) I"m just going to post my results at the end of Day 30--everyone else is welcome (of course, not like you need my permission!) to do what works for them. I did the measurements, but it wasn't easy! The tape measure kept slipping and sliding and it felt like I pulled it tight in some areas just to keep it up--I'm worried that it won't show any losses!

    2) I'm a vegetarian, so I just follow my own eating plan and try to stay under the cals. I binge (although it's been less frequent and I'm consuming much less at a time and I have NO unhealthy foods in the house so I figure that while I'm eating more than I should/need, at least it's on frozen mango or granola bars than cheese sandwhiches or cookies! perhaps that's a rationalization, but as long as it's less frequent, I'll use that as an accurate measure of improvement)

    3) Protein--as a veg I still struggle with that--and this is an aspect of the strength training I hadn't considered--thanks for bringing it up! I'll have to work with that.

    4) Rest days--so far I've added things in--it's hard not to and I feel like I'm "slipping" if I don't do something. But that's not the healthiest way to do this. I do know that if I were advising someone else, I would suggest pretty strongly that they take at least one day off completely or perhaps do stretching or pilates or yoga. Maybe one day I'll take my own advice. The other thing is, this is only my first week so I'm not pushing as hard as I expect to--we'll just have to see.

    Thanks for thinking of these questions--it helps me to clarify my own approach.