

  • Thanks! I really appreciate everyone's advice. I'm sure I am thinking more of it than anyone else. Tomorrow ill just turn my music up a little louder and work out in my own little world :)
  • I wish I could find a love for brain wants to but my body doesn't! Tons of admiration for you!!
  • I don't think it's good to judge anyone about their diets. I'm sure we have all suffered enough judgements and its not constructive at all. It is a personal choice. Just like its a personal choice to eat a 2000 calorie burger and fries meal. Nobody gets in unfriended for that and it's not healthy either. If someone…
  • I agree, my metabolism is way out of whack, I can just feel it. I am exhausted all the time and have tons of issues! Which is part of why I started this in the first place. I could try adding some good fats. I have been eating low fat everything. I probably do need more good fats. I don't think I get any of those at all.
  • Hi everyone, I'm new to all of this calorie counting stuff but I'm having a bit of a problem. Actually an opposite problem from what I thought I'd have. I log everything that goes into my mouth, and MFP gave me a goal intake of 1400 per day. As dumb as this sounds, I'm having a really hard time meeting this goal. I come in…
  • Hi, we are fairly close...And I just started Start: 239 Current: 237 Goal: 140 Height: 5'7 What are you doing to lose?
  • Hi, we are fairly close...And I just started Start: 239 Current: 237 Goal: 140 Height: 5'7 What are you doing to lose?
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