People that are Starving themselves



  • tcj83704
    tcj83704 Posts: 8
    I agree, my metabolism is way out of whack, I can just feel it. I am exhausted all the time and have tons of issues! Which is part of why I started this in the first place. I could try adding some good fats. I have been eating low fat everything. I probably do need more good fats. I don't think I get any of those at all.
    Your metabolism is already slow or your wouldn't be full at 1000 calories per day. Eat more. My oatmeal is 150 calories and I put a tablespoon of peanut butter in it. Don't eat low fat anything, eat some avocados, more nuts, oil, fattier foods that are higher in calories. Fat is good for you and so are calories.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Many people don't look at someone's food before commenting. I always do. I'll never give a "great job" to someone who is too low. If I see it happen consistently, I'll ask them about it. Usually, I get a snarky answer, so I delete. I'm only trying to help.

    I had spinal surgery last December & unfortunately have severe pain. On really bad days, I have to take narcotics. They make me nauseous & that's why I sometimes have a 300 or 400 calorie day. It sucks, because I'm hungry, but I throw up. It is interesting to see people tell me that I had a great day when I'm that low.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    delete them, and move on. it too drives me crazy- all the threads too about 1200 cals etc....

    MFP set me at only 1330 if I don't exercise. People have different activity levels. Like me, I am typically sitting in front of a computer all day so I am not burning as much calories as say a policeman If I exercise, sometimes I will eat them back if I am legit hungry. Everyone is different and burns and loses in different ways.

    Still too low. I burn 2000 calories per my body media fit sitting at my computer all day and no exercise. The lowest I would go if I were trying to cut would be 1700 per day. Eat your exercise calories. Eat the food.
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    Whatever the case, gossiping about it on here doesn't help you or them.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I made a post the other day on my feed about this very thing. I'm seeing a lot of people doing this lately and I'm getting friend requests from THEIR friends and it saddens me. The ones on my page that are doing it consistently (and aren't under doctor's supervision) are netting somewhere between a negative number and 500 cals per day EVERY day. It is a trigger, and at the same time my 'help everyone' instinct keeps me from just taking them off my page entirely. I told one girl who berated me about it to just remove me if she didn't like it (she did) and I'm ready to say the same to others that get on me about it too.
  • ChanceTakr2131
    It might be helpful to them if you offer suggestions or studies that show that eating a higher calorie diet is more effective. Many people still believe the old way of thinking, so it is our responsibility to make sure they are educated with the new research. But, if they continue to eat super low calorie diets, then it is always acceptable to delete them if you feel they are not supporting you. I know that I will write "great job" without actually looking at the diary, and this could be what those people who are commenting are doing. I do agree with you that a super low calorie diet shouldn't be praised; on the other hand, we shouldn't condemn them either. :wink:
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    Yeah- that IS disordered eating.

    I don't keep MFP pals with those behaviors (with former tendencies I find it's a trigger for me) unless they're in active recovery and looking for support for that aspect.

    This is exactly how I feel. I am always open to being supportive of people who are on a path of recovery, and I understand it's difficult to achieve that, but I find it very hard to see people who don't believe they have disordered eating when under eating drastically. It can be triggering for me, as well. I tend not to keep people who aren't trying to be healthier. It's sad, but I also don't want to be uncomfortable and I want friends whom I feel I can genuinely encourage on their fitness journey.
  • runfreddyrun
    runfreddyrun Posts: 137 Member
    I agree, my metabolism is way out of whack, I can just feel it. I am exhausted all the time and have tons of issues! Which is part of why I started this in the first place. I could try adding some good fats. I have been eating low fat everything. I probably do need more good fats. I don't think I get any of those at all.
    Your metabolism is already slow or your wouldn't be full at 1000 calories per day. Eat more. My oatmeal is 150 calories and I put a tablespoon of peanut butter in it. Don't eat low fat anything, eat some avocados, more nuts, oil, fattier foods that are higher in calories. Fat is good for you and so are calories.

    if you're having trouble hitting your calories then don't eat low fat anything. low fat food is just a fad the food industry latched onto. it's better (and tastes better) to eat full fat foods.

    also, if you're not getting enough protein then try drinking a protein shake once a day and use 2% or almond milk. that will add a few hundred calories right there.
  • Michellemarg
    I am one of those people who are adhering to a very low calorie diet. Between 500 and 800 per day generally. I would not say that I am starving myself. I am rarely hungry, I generally hit all my nutritional goals and I have never felt better. I have a total of 70 pounds to loose, I am nearly half way there. I have tried every diet under the sun and nothing has worked up until now. I have not really adjusted the amount of food, just making different choices, like ground chicken breast rather than ground beef - shrimp instead of salmon. I still have avocado and cheese - just smaller, planned portions. I also have a glass of wine a few nights a week and last night I had two squares of this amazing dark chocolate. I exercise daily, though with moderate effort and I have a desk job so not a lot of activity during the day.

    I guess I wanted to respond to this comment thread because the blanket statements are unfair. For me, a 1200 calorie diet does not make my weight budge - at this point - it is a maintenance level. The lower calorie diet is working to shed the pounds, which in turn is making it easier for me to exercise. This works for me - what you are doing works for you - that is awesome.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    live and let live. if u dont like them. delete them.
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    I have mine on private for now because I'm embarrassed at the thought of people looking at what I eat LOL. I don't look at my friends diaries either but that just doesn't seem healthy. Won't your body start hoarding what little food that you are eating and cause you to gain weight anyways?
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    I always looks at food diaries before commenting, so usually end up deleting people that net super low because I really have nothing nice to say and I'm not going to encourage their behavior, so there's really no reason for us to be "friends"
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    So u care about these people enough to "unfriend" them, huh. U are an awesome person for that. Congrats!!
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    You can only suggest they up their calories so many times, when they're obviously not taking the hint, yea. I'm not their mother, it's not my job to nag.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    alot of judgmental people on this site. would u cut off someone if u thought they ate too much? or is it because u got this diet thing down to a science that u have no patience for others learning as they go?
  • LeeshLove
    LeeshLove Posts: 197
    It really saddens me when I see this, typically I will try to say something and see if I can help. Sometimes my comments are met with anger, other times they seem to appreciate my concern, but do what they want to do anyway. Unfortunately we can't save or help everybody. I have had a few people take my advice, and thank me for it.

    Some people are just really miss informed, as where others just don't care.

    I'm the type of person that wants to help everybody if I can (this has got me in trouble time or two). :ohwell:

    I think the best you can do is wish them well, delete them, and move on.

    It's recommend that women should not eat less 1,200 calories per day, and men should not eat less 1,800. Unless supervised by a doctor. I'm NOT a Dr. but my sister in law is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, I tend to take her advice.
  • freebirdjones
    freebirdjones Posts: 237
    I delete friends who don't have similar attitudes towards their goal. Being able to log on to similar foods and programs is my support, why do I need to read abuot your 5:2 if it won't help motivate me or assist me? I had someone today eat 500 cals and work out 500 cals and then say they didn't eat them back they wernt sure if they should... so okay that means 0 cals for that day? and then they said it was easy and they would have trouble eating 1200 today.. umm nuts? when Im not at my cals I'll eat nuts and protein bars. If by now you cant figure out how to bost your cals if you cant eat them and don't have the same plan Im done. Not a lot of people listen to advice if they think they have it all figured out. And whats with switching plans ever 6 weeks? How do you know what works?
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    Most people can't maintain that kind of severe calorie cut. There is a reason why eating disorders are rare (1% of the population). They are deadly diseases, absolutely, but people maintaining a diary like that probably aren't being honest. Or maybe there is a reason they maintain a low count (the Zone diet advocates 1100 for small framed women).

    And maybe you should message them individually if you are actually concerned. Because I know what cures eating disorders and their potential victims- is someone making a broad public statement about others restriction habits and hoping the embarrassment makes them healthy again instead of driving them back down into a cycle of secretive actions to hide it from judgmental fatties (sarcasm here).

    Your heart may be in the right place, but it's poorly executed.
  • tcj83704
    tcj83704 Posts: 8
    I don't think it's good to judge anyone about their diets. I'm sure we have all suffered enough judgements and its not constructive at all. It is a personal choice. Just like its a personal choice to eat a 2000 calorie burger and fries meal. Nobody gets in unfriended for that and it's not healthy either. If someone unfriends me because if my food or calorie choices then they were not my "friend" in the first place. Friends help each other to make good choices. They don't unfriend you for making bad ones.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    At the risk of sounding mean, this has been addressed every damned day, those self-starvers have to know they're eating way too little. But as my daddy used to say, "You can't fix stupid".