roodawgy Member


  • Sneha, unfortunately such things are a reality in the United States as much as it is in India. However, what is different (especially if you live in the Northeast United States) is that the "blame the victim" culture is much less. I say file a report with the management, and if action isn't proper, then file a report with…
  • If you want something that is both healthy and quick, check out Boca Burgers. I'll give you the link for the best, healthiest one that fits you. It should be high in protein, low in fat and carbs, and supposedly tastes great. I think it's the Boca original Vegan patties? Check it out.…
  • Let me tell you, this is a lifelong struggle. My idol is Jack Lalanne. He worked out till the day before he died, and he died of pneumonia. He was 96 years old. This is the essence. Weight loss isn't just one of those things you achieve and then go back to normal. You keep it up all the time. Work out, eat right, this is…
  • Yes you can. Word to the wise: don't eat ANYTHING out of a packet when doing this. Even if you eat a ton of calories, get it from real food. You will notice a difference :)