

  • Thank you everyone for all the suggestions. And I am pleased to know that I am not gonna have to take several steps backwards. The suggestion to incorporate some exercise is actually what I have been doing. Most 60mins - 90 minute walks to just have a break. but I think I am gonna incorporate a HIIT ssession as…
  • Thank you for the response. I have been so worried about the high figures I get at the gym and in comparison to other on MFP i was certain there must be inaccuracies. I am just baffled that it is almost a 50 percent deficit... I see from your profile that you aren't accepting anymore friends...It such a shame:( i hope i…
  • OMG! Great achievement..How long did it take you to get here?
  • Elliptical! Looking forward to weight training now. When I am below 100kg!
  • Happy for you!!! God is very interested in us and all our daily and otherwise considered mundane affairs...He that has started this good work in you would complete it in Jesus Name. Cant wait to celebrate you at your goal weight! <3
  • Thank you so much. The machine has a heart rate monitor and has a calorie counter as well...I just log in here what the machine gives as a summary at the end of the session. I have read severally that most machine aren't accurate but I just in my head put the estimate at 20 percent more or less than the actual reading...