

  • Fair enough i see your point. The common sense comment made me laugh too! Thanks for the heads up :smile:
  • Yes it did. On the very first line, to be precise. Also, there is nothing dangerous about eating 1800-2000 calories a day, compared to 1200 which is bordering on malnutrition. That would apply for the vast majority of people. There's is also a disclaimer on the message boards which says the advice on here is not medical…
  • I was trying to point out that 1200 calories was too low, instead of posting tedious, unhelpful criticism of other people's posts. As i stated in my first reply, IT OBVIOUSLY DEPENDS ON AGE, HEIGHT, ACTIVITY LEVEL ETC! So no, i was not comparing myself to a 51 year old female, i was trying to offer some help and a bit of…
  • Like the others said it shouldn't matter too much if you have no medical reason to cut down. I do track mine as diabetes runs in the family. I prefer vegetables to fruit anyway, but you could always try something else if you wanted to lower your sugar intake, such as oatcakes, rice cakes or natural yoghurt. I think the…
  • I would say 1200 cals a day is bordering on dangerously low. Obviously it depends on your age, height, activity level etc, but i would aim for something around 1800 - 2000. That is more than enough for 3 decent sized (not mountains - that was my problem!) nutritious meals, plus either 1 or 2 snacks, depending on what you…