BeastModeChuck Member


  • Rochester Hills - and proud member of Rochester Gym.
  • I'm 40, recently single, made in Detroit, and on the quest for a "Beast Physique". I'm not so good at 'support' - I think that's something you gotta find within yourself. But I'm all about encouragement, motivation, inspiring, being inspired, and clickin' that little "like" button when I see people achieving their goals!…
  • 1: Meet the cast of Firefly - or as many of them as I can. 2: Participate in Cosplay convincingly with a physique that looks the part as much as the costume. 3: Go to one of the big comic conventions, like Wizard Con or SDCC. Nothing against the Motor City Comic Con, but it's not exactly the mecca of all things geek-pop…
  • Well that may be the sexiest thing I've heard all week. I do love me some comic book talk, but my number one nerdy topic is a tie between sci-fi/fantasy movies and table-top role playing games. You wanna chat a few hours about our recent D&D campaigns? Let's do it! Oh yeah - these are the conversations that made me have to…
  • Riddick. He's long since been an inspiration for me to get in shape. And yes, the day I look as good as Vin does in a tank top, I would absolutely shave my head to pull off a convincing Riddick cosplay.
  • Hello everyone! I'm Chuck, I'm 37-ish, and on New Years of 2011 I made a resolution that I would get into shape. I'm happy to report that I've kept that promise. While MFP shows my weight hasn't changed, don't let that fool you. I've gone from 39% body fat, to 21% body fat today - and I consider that an improvement! At…