

  • So...I was participating in a Pray & Fast for 21 days and gave up chocolate. The other night at my girls night in, one of the girls brought Boston Creme Pie...ya, I totally ate it, with 2 days left in my fast. Killed my calorie count and I felt horrible for breaking my fast! tasted soooo good!:ohwell:
  • I haven't tried it yet, but my Wellness Instructor told me to subsitute lentils for my ground beef when I make tacos. When I looked at her funny, she said I should at least try half lentils and half beef, supposedly with the taco seasoning I shouldn't be able to tell the difference. I'm hoping to try this soon!
  • Hi Ladies, I also have PCOS. When I was 19 I was diagnosed with that and Diabetes Type 2. I hated having to deal with all the symptoms, but even more so hated the idea that I might never have children. In 2005 I elected to have LapBand surgery (against my PCP's advice). I weighed 220 pounds before the surgery and my blood…