SVPQR Member


  • I just looked it up Amber, one stone is equal to 14lbs.
  • Welcome back Caggie! I've never heard someone use the term "stone" before, you learn something new everyday!
  • Your doing a great job Mink! 2 lbs a week is about what you should be losing per week. It can be tough to stay motivated but it sounds like your more than on the right track! Please feel free to add me and perhaps we can keep each other motivated towards our goals. From my experience greatness should be measured by how we…
  • Welcome Kait! Ive done the Warrior Dash but not Tough Mudder, it looks like a blast. My goals for the year is to lose some weight so I can meet the height/weight ratio for the U.S. Army OCS program. Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • Love the ap feel free to add me should they ever sort it out!
  • I will be at the Nashville WD as well!!! Im very pumped I even bought the black stuff that goes on your cheeks. :smile:
  • Hi there lifesazoo! I love Couch to 5k! Its really helped me shave a couple minutes off my miles. There are three days that you run in a week so you dont have to do it daily and it makes room for rest days/commutes, etc. I will describe day one so you can see if that works for you? If memory serves me correctly its a 30…
  • Hi there! Im new to MFP as well. My uncle found out a few months ago that he had diabetes and as a result deicded to get in to shape. Try to imagine a 60 year old man who had never exercised a day in his life and thats my uncle. He saw a nutritionist and got his diet in check but he was having a hard time finding the…
    in New to MFP Comment by SVPQR July 2012