

  • I have that problem, this is my first night that I'm (hopefully) not eating after dinner... All I can do is sit here and think about what I could be eating right now... I love eating plain popcorn, but I'll eat bowl after bowl until it's finally time to go to bed... And all of that saltiness usually has to be followed by…
  • I love popcorn, so I seriously OD on the stuff... I also put plain popcorn in a pot with oil... But I'll make a whole pot and then eat the whole thing... I hate it, IDK why I can't just have SOME not the whole thing... So I'm on a sweets AND popcorn restriction for a couple of days to try to get things under control, haha
  • My husband just got stationed in Ft Wainwright, AK in Feb. Sure is a lot different from his previous posts *burrrrr*
  • I'm Sherri. My husband is in the Army stationed at Ft Wainwright, AK. And I have a serious problem with eating pretty much anything with sugar in it. We have 2 kids, and I want to get rid of this "mommy body" and start looking hot again before we end up having another baby destroy my body, haha
  • I'm Sherri, and I have a serious sugar problem... I love chocolate like crazy, and if I don't have any candy in the house then I'll bake several goodies until I satisfy my craving. I really need to get this under control.