vaquera19 Member


  • OK, so there's a lot of bickering and negativity going on, but to all the people who've gotten quite passionate about what is healthy and what isn't, I do want to say thanks for your persistence :) I was reading this thread and originally chose to believe what I wanted to believe - that eating 1200 calories a day and then…
  • No. I feel full now because I'm eating a reasonable amount rather than eating all the food available to me - most of which was high-calorie food - like I used to.
  • So.... My net today is 685. I'm not starving myself, but I'm eating low-calorie meals and snacking on low-calorie stuff all day. And I'm not hungry. If I ate back the 515 calories to get to a net of 1200, I'd feel sick like I'm overeating. And I'm not anorexic nor do I have an eating disorder. I only started counting…
  • I try to burn around 400-500 calories every day through exercise. I eat foods that fill my up with minimal calories, such as fruits or yogurt for breakfast, pita sandwiches for lunch, an afternoon snack under 200 calories to fuel me through my workout (shrimp, an egg, fruit), and then I enjoy my dinner. I do my best to eat…
  • I need to go shopping this weekend, so I might as well make my list now! I've managed to avoid eating a single salad for the last two weeks and have stayed very full. Here's everything I have in my kitchen, with asterisks (*) next to my staple foods as well as how I use everything. I can do a lot of recipes from these…
  • Do you have access to an elliptical? It's better on your knees and gives you a whole body workout. My husband and I will be doing Insanity this fall, but he says it's a lot of cardio. I don't know if an inhaler will work to relieve allergies since it just addresses the constriction of your airways, but not the mucus and…
  • This is why I've been on hormone-based birth control since I was 17 and have a Mirena IUD now. My cramps used to completely take me out of commission, and I've even had to have a family member come pick me up from the gym because I couldn't get out of the fetal position to drive. Oftentimes, birth control with hormones in…
  • A good tip I heard, in case it wasn't already posted: When you order your food, ask for a to-go box with it. When it comes, put half your food in the to-go box. It's a win-win: you don't over-eat, and you have left-overs tomorrow!
  • No cats. Just a horse here lol
  • I just joined and need support, too! I'm inviting anyone who wants support and is willing to give it to add me :) My goals are simply to get into healthier exercise and eating habits! Though, I'm not willing to give up my spaghetti. I could not live without my pasta X-D
  • I finally decided to get serious about working out - which I've never been able to sustain doing in my entire life. I simply don't have the motivation, especially since I'm a lightweight and in my early 20's and have never needed to work out to stay small. I know I'm one of those body types everybody loves to hate, but…