purethrill Member


  • Add me too! I turn 40 in two months, have been on and off on MFP and struggle to maintain a new habit. This time I want to do it for me....to look better for sure, but also to feel better and not be tired all the time. Started out seriously two days ago. Am logging everything and planning the time to work out without…
  • Turning 40 soon, mother to two young kids (6 and 4). Started and stopped exercising several times in my life. Same with eating better. Trying to get it together for real this year. Looking for people who will not judge, but motivate and help me stay accountable. Modest goals - 30 mins of exercise at least 6 days a week;…
  • I just started out - but am so motivated to stick to eating well and working out. You guys rock!
  • My numbers are very similar to yours. The pounds have crept up over the years and after two children, I am stuck. Unlike you, I have been on at least one or two other websites, but quickly became distracted. My goal is to really build a relatively healthy diet and regular exercise routine into my daily life. I have about…
  • I'm in! Will post again when I am done.
  • I am trying to work out from home more, so it was interesting to hear all the pros. I do have young children that will pretty much climb all over me if I am exercising at home (they think it is a game), so I do use the gym at least two days a week. Am trying to do my strength workouts at home. I have a ton of DVDs, now…
  • I heard about My Fitness Pal through a coworker last week. I have been using Spark People, but find the food log and other stuff too complicated on my phone. There is also a lot of extra stuff, which then gets in the way of basic food and exercise recording. I started to use My Fitness Pal app two days ago and have…