iDuchaine Member


  • Heck to the yeah!
  • I'm 22 from Southern Ontario. Started out at 215 ish and I'm at 129 now. Looking to finally kick off the last 4 lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • That's awesome everyone! I have about 17 pounds left to lose to get down to my "holy cow is this even possible" weight I though of when I first started losing weight five years ago. I maintained at 150-160 for four years,and have since lost about 15 lbs.
  • I'm in Kingston! Add me. I've been consistent with logging for a while. I'll add some of the others in the thread too!
  • I'll friend you! I started at aprox your weight, and am looking to get down to 125 (5'5). I'm studying history and political studies in Canada. I've used MFP pretty consistently over the past month and a half since I've been back in the country. Wishing you the best!
  • I kept off 50 pounds for 4 years, looking to lose about 20 more now. It wasn't that hard.
  • I'll just keep living/gaining weight until I'm REALLY big, and then it'll be even more impressive when I lose it all. *palmface* Mind you, I was 17 so I didn't really know how much WORK it was going to be! SW1 201 (Jan 2009) Maintanence 1: 150-160 Sept 2009-May 2013 SW2 160 CW 145 GW 125
  • This is interesting. I'm in Canada, and I've never been to a school that had a lunch-included option. There was a cafeteria in my highschool, but you couldn't get a 'plan' for it. So everybody packed their lunches in elementary school, and I'd say about 70% in highschool.
  • Told my bf and he's been pretty helpful. Haven't told him how much (don't think he'd be as supportive of me losing another 20), just focusing on the 'healthy active lifestyle' part. It's rubbing off on him; he's probably lost 10lbs in the past month and a half without trying too hard.
  • My boyfriend is trying to be supportive, and has been making some progress over the past month. I lost most of my weight before we started dating over a year ago (!!), but in the past 2 months lost about another 10. I think he's starting to feel self conscious. I'm in a 'normal' bmi category (although teetering on…
  • I'm in the same boat. I've decided to just ignore my sugar stuff and focus on making sure I hit my protein and fibre counts! I feel absolutely wonderful and have kept this up for a while, so I say just keep doing your thing.
  • Hey! First of all, this is my first official post. I'm going into my final year of a Political Studies : History Degree in Canada. I'm 5'5, and have about 15 more pounds to go. I started at just over 200 pounds in grade 12, and lost 40 in about a year. Since then I've kept it pretty steady, but my goal is to get to 130 by…