Losing 25 pounds or less?



  • thatguybenjamin
    i'd love to be in on this, its more the encouragement to keep focused for me. i would love to reach my target. so please add me
    i've just reset my goal and starting weight as i felt that i started to gain again after losing 20lbs previously.
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    I was always "the skinny girl" until about 5 years ago- the weight started catching up to me. I'm here to lose about 20 pounds as well. I'm not "fat". I'm naturally small so I don't carry extra weight well.
  • nielsonfam
    nielsonfam Posts: 138 Member
    ME TOO...Looking to lose about 20 lbs...who knew it would be so difficult! I have been logging since Aug. 1 and really only have a couple of pounds to show for it. I know I am on the right track but it is so SLOW.....
  • iDuchaine
    iDuchaine Posts: 12 Member
    That's awesome everyone! I have about 17 pounds left to lose to get down to my "holy cow is this even possible" weight I though of when I first started losing weight five years ago. I maintained at 150-160 for four years,and have since lost about 15 lbs.
  • debants
    debants Posts: 38 Member
    Pls add me as well - have about 9lbs left to go than I want to reduce my body fat and plan on doing that through lifting. Although when I loose those 9lbs BMI still will be slightly overweight but I don't pay much attention to that - don't think my physic will look better at a much lower weight The last 10lbs I have been going back and forth for months - some of it is because I am not as deligent as I was or could be - but I am trying to be as "real" as possible with the weight reduction - don't want to starve myself to get to a number that can't be sustained. Again not a diet trying to change my ways and this takes time. Good luck to all
  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I am 5'7 and well within my BMI but my jeans aren't fitting right anymore :-( I hope to get back to fitting my jeans and possibly a size or two smaller.
  • Jplante312
    Jplante312 Posts: 41 Member
    I still got about 5-10 to go to get to my absolute pre baby weight. I'm using the abs diet book and do zumba when I can. Trying just not to gain during the holidays now.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    Yes! I gained almost 20 pounds within the last year, but I'm still considered thin by most people. That's really nice and all, but my clothes don't fit! No one wants to hear about a skinny person who is trying to lose weight. Please add me as a friend!
  • coloursule
    coloursule Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I have lost about 20-25 pounds in the last year and a half and I need to lose 15-20 more... it is so hard, even harder that the first 20. I love food and dessert, and my boyfriend too, so I have a hard time eating only healthy food. I try to eat 1400 calories a day and I succeed most of the time but I guess i still need to be more careful about WHAT I eat instead of how much I eat :P
  • Kariensgoal
    I am 60...my height is a whooping 4'11'. I had lost about 35 pounds a few years ago and now its starting to come back on. I want to lose 20. That will bring me back down to 120. I know how to work out and lift around three times a week and do cardio about 4-5 times a week. I am on the 1200 calorie diet and try not to eat back ALL my calories. My age is making it hard to shed those 20 pounds. I plan on having my hormone levels checked soon and my thyroid too. I will accept any help.
  • 2marsuccess
    I have a similar weight goal to yours and I am 63 and also find it harder to lose weight. I used to be very skinny as a kid and even after I had children, but then gradually the pounds piled on. Maybe we can encourage each other. I am new to mfp and don't really know the difference between replying to one another in forums vs friends site, but feel free to send an invite if you wish.
  • Flabulousss
    I'm in a very similar spot... I'd like to lose 10 more pounds (my ticker is just showing my short term goal. Makes it easier on my brain.) I have learned also that people are VERY discouraging if you talk at all about weight. One male friend told me, "Psh, NO guy likes a twig." I almost burst into flames with rage. lol 1) My existence doesn't revolve around what guys like. 2) That is so untrue. Even he had "the hots" for some extremely skinny chick, and I will never be that thin. 3) Who says I'm gonna be a twig?? Even if I am slender, maybe it's because I'm not naturally curvy, so a lower weight just looks normal on me. 4) He's essentially saying I was unattractive before I gained 30 lbs. But I know that's not true. I got much more attention from guys when I was thinner, but I don't know why. 5) I think Americans are ridiculous about weight, and have no idea what's normal anymore. To me, a skinny person is perfectly healthy, but to everyone else, a healthy person is someone who's carrying a bit extra. Maybe I just have set standards for myself which I want to fulfill, because I believe it is my best me and it makes me feel good. Anyway, ridiculously enough, this comment made me so angry for weeks, and made it hard for me to focus because I always thought about that. Now I just use it to fuel my ambition. lol