Mrsfluffypants Member


  • 38 pounds in 95 days so .4 pounds a day. I have had my ups and downs, and I expect them and embrace them.
  • Yeah, check and make sure you aren't having a post nasal drip and use a Brita water pitcher. Just remember to change your filter often and keep it in a cool place (like the fridge!) if you leave your filter out in a warm place for more than a few days be sure to change it. Mold grows easily in the filters. I keep mine in…
  • I love your post. Congratulations, you look absolutely fantastic! Thank you for telling us your tips. It's pretty much what I do, but I'm just starting out (for the millionth time it seems). This is the first time that I am doing it much the same as you have, though. In the past I've radically changed my diet and limited…
  • That is truly beautiful. Congratulations and magnificent job!
  • Feel free to add me, too. I joined 45 days ago today and I have lost 25 pounds here, and 20 pounds before I joined MFP. I have over 150lbs to lose overall. Welcome to MFP!
  • You are such an inspiration. You are proof that having faith in yourself and taking one step at a time is what it takes. I have given up time and time again and I, too, have 150 + pounds to lose. After reading your story, believing is possible for me. Thank you so much. Congratulations!