clytemnestra Member


  • I'm mirthfuldragon's wife, and like he said, we met on I have to say, I completely empathize with what you are feeling. I put off signing up for months because I literally feared that not a single man would even look at my profile. In a day, I had a wink, then an e-mail. It's a strange thing, but the biggest…
  • I'm never an advocate of straight up eliminating things. While habits change after 30 days, those good eating habits you develop they are combatting YEARS of poorer ones. And by cutting out carbs, sugars, etc. you'll just end up craving those things and ending in a binge. Balance is the key word. You need carbs, you need…
  • Make it a choice rather than a failure. You're not helplessly succumbing to an urge, you are choosing to gift yourself an allowable portion. Maybe just 1/2 a cookie, and leave the other half for a co-worker. Cutting things in half or taking a small "taste" often works well for me. Either I'll be able to fit it into my…