

  • I did this diet. I only made it through the first cycle. It was very hard to follow and you have to be very disciplined. I did see results in the first cycle I lost 20 pounds. I will warn though because of the increase of vegetables in your diet and the probiotics you will use the restroom ALOT!!! It does work if you can…
  • Bump. Thank you all. I have no idea how to cook. I am still learning. And using the crock pot is a good way for me to avoid burning things :)
  • What I would recommend is if you are going to stay at a hotel stay in one with a gym. And whenever your plans to be with your friends begin that day make sure you go BEFORE you go out. I love my sleep but I know if I sleep in and say I will do it later. I normally get too exhausted from my long day of school, homework,…
  • Me personally I do not have a number onederland. My onederland consists of many things. In particular when I am able to easily cross my legs again like a lady. That was always my favorite way to sit. I have lost 60 pounds and I can now cross them but not easily. It is a struggle. I was so excited when I was finally able to…
  • When you are able to roll around when you sleep and not worry about your belly being in the way.
  • I can tell your smile got bigger :)
  • You look absolutely amazing!! You should have no shame. Your body is amazing. And to be honest you were beautiful even before you lost any weight. Don't be afraid to strut your stuff because you look amazing! What is your secret beside lifting weights? I love to learn and hear everyone's different techniques.
  • I eat PB2. It is super crushed peanuts into a powder. If you want it to be creamy instead of powder you just add a tiny bit of water. I LOVE peanut butter. PB2 though is only 45 calories for 2 tbsp instead of the normal PB
  • Congrats! You look absolutely amazing. You really give me hope. I just want to make sure I understand your diet correctly. So on days that you did not go to the gym and work out, If you are suppose to eat 1200 calories since you did not go to the gym to burn lets say 500 calories you would only eat then 700 calories for…
  • Ummm most definitely. In the same boat right now. I get huge cravings for chocolate. I really really wanted to gorge on eating a bunch of reeses and any kind of chocolate I could put my hang on. But I fought through it and instead ate 15 Hershey's dark chocolate chips the kind you use for cookies and a half a banana with…
  • I disagree. I used to reward myself for achievements with food. And that is one of the ways I gained some of my extra weight. What I am doing for myself is when I hit certain goals. I have one of a new outfit, one a pedicure, and some goals are for things I want. Like I have one for a smart phone, and one for a swimp3 that…
  • Wow you all look so amazing. It really gives me the incentive to keep going. I have lost 50 pounds a year ago before MFP but i kind of stopped working on losing weight for awhile and just maintained it. Now I am really working hard on losing my last half of weight and stop being lazy. I don't want to keep loosing and…
  • Yep yep. I am just about done with my freshman year and going on sophomore year. I am an understand that is undecided. I have changed my major a couple times and now I am kind of stuck between to majors so I am just doing my gen eds now until I decide. :)
  • It could be you shoes as well. I use to get them really bad from not having enough support. When I used to do exercise videos at home I would do them barefoot and I got shin splints and then I started using shoes they went away. When I started working out at the gym a while ago they started hurting again. I went to this…
  • Only 16 sticks so far. But working on losing more and more each day :)
  • Have you ever froze one of those Clif Builder Bars? I used to eat frozen thin mints all the time. Now I just run away from all the girl scout tables at the stores to avoid that whole situation ha ha
  • Cocoa Roast almost are AMAZING!! I love them :) I have seen a lot of people mention this Shakeology what is it?
  • I have herd about this PB2 stuff that it is all the protein and taste of peanut butter without the fat. I will definitely have to try it now thank you. :)
  • Is that those cereal bars with the suppose to be milk in the middle for like cereal on the go?
  • Thank you for all of the help everyone. Yes I have tried cold turkey in the past and I ended up just binge eating all the chocolate I could find. It is a true problem. But I have found I can control myself if I just have a little bit every now and then to satisfy my taste buds. To prevent those binge eating days. I am…
  • I agree what is what has been said. I have the same issue. I eat a lot of egg white scrambles. Such as buying the liquid egg whites and mixing it with chicken. I also eat a lot of tun salad with crackers. And instead of mayo I used plain greek yogurt. For lunch to work I buy a lunch to go starkist tuna salad with crackers…
  • Wow!! You are so beautiful. Congrats on your weight loss. It is so hard. I am just starting. Do you have any advice. I am a 21 year old female. I just would like to live the way that I feel. And not be limited by my weight any longer. That Is why I am loosing my weight. I do have a question for you if you don't mind. What…
  • Wow that is amazing! It is so hard to do so. That is about what my total is to do. I have lost a total of 50 lbs before I started my fitness pal. I just started. My question for you is how were you able to stay so focused. I have a problem of getting bored or something I am not sure. But I can do really well for a month or…