Fixs for chocolate cravings?



  • KelleyRob
    KelleyRob Posts: 97 Member
    skinny cow chocolates. Chocolate rice cake with small amt pb spread on it, sometimes I also put sliced banana on it. Greek yogurt with 1-2 Tablespoons sugar free choco pudding mix, a little milk if needed, strawberries or other fruit. I LOVE my chocolate. Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Raw vegan powdered cocoa powder in a shake with strawberries, almond milk and a banana! Fabulous AND healthy unlike dairy ;)

    Dairy is unfairly demonized, mainly among the vegan population. I am not buying into unless someone has sensitivity to dairy products.

  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I'd say stop eating any "junk" until you have control over yourself.

    or exercise more to make up the calories.

    The cold turkey approach tends to fail.

    If it were that easy she would not be asking for alternatives.

    Take baby steps, or you could go cold turkey as suggested and end up back where you started.
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Agree. Skinny cow usually works.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Raw vegan powdered cocoa powder in a shake with strawberries, almond milk and a banana! Fabulous AND healthy unlike dairy ;)

    Dairy is unfairly demonized, mainly among the vegan population. I am not buying into unless someone has sensitivity to dairy products.


    I respectfully disagree, as I have done endless research on this...we are the only animal which consumes the milk of another animal....and past actually causes the body to urinate out info from numerous sources, including Dr. Michael Greger and see Food Matters :) You can drink milk and eat butter all you want but I have personal exerience that dairy is not necessary and even detrimental to health.. causes high cholesterol, all kinds of other health issues as well as messing up the lives of animals, as the dairy industry feeds the veal don't have to care but I know my stuff ;)
    Nothing helps hydration like water, dairy is KNOW to cause acne so your source about it being good for skin is erroneous..and by the way, I have remarkable skin for my age :) Your quoted source looks a little iffy ;)
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Raw vegan powdered cocoa powder in a shake with strawberries, almond milk and a banana! Fabulous AND healthy unlike dairy ;)

    Dairy is unfairly demonized, mainly among the vegan population. I am not buying into unless someone has sensitivity to dairy products.


    I respectfully disagree, as I have done endless research on this...we are the only animal which consumes the milk of another animal....and past actually causes the body to urinate out info from numerous sources, including Dr. Michael Greger and see Food Matters :) You can drink milk and eat butter all you want but I have personal exerience that dairy is not necessary and even detrimental to health.. causes high cholesterol, all kinds of other health issues as well as messing up the lives of animals, as the dairy industry feeds the veal don't have to care but I know my stuff ;)

    You know your stuff, but there is a conflicting body of evidence that suggests otherwise.

    Michael Greger is a member of the humane society and other groups and has an agenda of sorts.

    I do not have a problem with veganism in an ethical context, however, suggesting that all dairy is unhealthy is not accurate.

    I will concede that not all dairy is created equal, and that some dairy products should be avoided.

    To that point, we can agree to disagree while exchanging ideas. :smile:
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Raw vegan powdered cocoa powder in a shake with strawberries, almond milk and a banana! Fabulous AND healthy unlike dairy ;)

    Dairy is unfairly demonized, mainly among the vegan population. I am not buying into unless someone has sensitivity to dairy products.


    I respectfully disagree, as I have done endless research on this...we are the only animal which consumes the milk of another animal....and past actually causes the body to urinate out info from numerous sources, including Dr. Michael Greger and see Food Matters :) You can drink milk and eat butter all you want but I have personal exerience that dairy is not necessary and even detrimental to health.. causes high cholesterol, all kinds of other health issues as well as messing up the lives of animals, as the dairy industry feeds the veal don't have to care but I know my stuff ;)

    You know your stuff, but there is a conflicting body of evidence that suggests otherwise.

    Michael Greger is a member of the humane society and other groups and has an agenda of sorts.

    I do not have a problem with veganism in an ethical context, however, suggesting that all dairy is unhealthy is not accurate.

    I will concede that not all dairy is created equal, and that some dairy products should be avoided.

    To that point, we can agree to disagree while exchanging ideas. :smile:

    Ok..let's agree to disagree, though I love Dr. Greger AND animals and being healthy...but you seem like a fair enough guy and I hate online arguments..besides the quoting is getting too long and complicated ;) LOL
  • wacarr
    wacarr Posts: 25
    Thank you for all of the help everyone. Yes I have tried cold turkey in the past and I ended up just binge eating all the chocolate I could find. It is a true problem. But I have found I can control myself if I just have a little bit every now and then to satisfy my taste buds. To prevent those binge eating days. I am especially intrigued by the banana peanut butter chocolate smoothies. All of my favorite things in one. I also like actually eating something so I will try the other suggestions as well. Thank you so much. :smile:
  • wacarr
    wacarr Posts: 25
    This will sound funny, but there are coco puffs cereal bars that are around 100 calories.......very chocolatey.

    Is that those cereal bars with the suppose to be milk in the middle for like cereal on the go?
  • wacarr
    wacarr Posts: 25
    Fiber One makes these awesome chocolate and peanut butter granola bars. 90 calories. It satisfies my cravings (I am a peanut butter addict).

    You could also make a smoothie. They make this powdered peanut butter called PB2 that is great in a smoothie. I make one with light vanilla yogurt, a small frozen banana, a tablespoon of choclate syrup, and 2 Tbs. PB2- the smoothie is only about 250 calories, and I drink it for breakfast because it's filling.

    I have herd about this PB2 stuff that it is all the protein and taste of peanut butter without the fat. I will definitely have to try it now thank you. :)
  • wacarr
    wacarr Posts: 25
    chcolate shakeology - this is my breakfast so I get dessert for breakfast each day!

    cocoa almonds...those are my candy!

    Cocoa Roast almost are AMAZING!! I love them :) I have seen a lot of people mention this Shakeology what is it?
  • wacarr
    wacarr Posts: 25
    I ADORE my Chocolate Shakeology with PB2, really helps with cravings. And Cool Mint Clif Builder Bars taste like a Thin Mint candy bar! Delicious!

    Have you ever froze one of those Clif Builder Bars? I used to eat frozen thin mints all the time. Now I just run away from all the girl scout tables at the stores to avoid that whole situation ha ha
  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    Skinny Cow makes a candy bar that's chocolate/peanut butter and tastes just like reeses sticks!
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    At first, when I was trying to teach myself willpower, I switched from having dessert every day to having a green smoothie every day. When I had chocolate cravings I would make a smoothie with spinach, a banana, frozen cherries, almond milk, and a tablespoon or two of cocoa powder. I swear to god it tastes like black forest cake, not even joking.
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    Lindt sweet dark chocolate is rich and dense, usually one or two squares does the trick, and has 100 cal per square. I also love Trader Joe's peanut butter cups, they are small and give me the chocolate/peanut butter taste I love.
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    Fiber one 90 calorie brownies.
    Side note, I did a comparison between a fun size snickers and the above mentioned bar. Believe it or not the snickers had less calories and a couple other things (I did this over a month ago forgive me) and was higher in fat by 1g and sugar as well if memory serves.
    My point is you don't have to give it up, believing you have limits hinders yourself in my opinion. Just stick with moderation, have your chocolate just not as much or not as often :)
    I'm sure someone will give me hell but I had to put in my 2¢
  • lcoelho84
    lcoelho84 Posts: 16 Member
    HI, My name is Linda and I too, am a chocoholic :)
    I have heard rumors that eating mushrooms reduces chocolate cravings- anyone else!?!?
    In all seriousness, I have found super dark chocolate, some chocolate soy or almond milk with a bowl of cereal, or a concoction of
    the following helps me:
    Mash a banana, put in zipper bag and into the freezer for at least 30 min
    Add milk of choice (choc almond/soy is delish, but i use skim too)
    a tbls or two of unsweetened cocoa powder
    a tbls or two of natural peanut butter

    Whir all together in bullet/blender...YOu can refreze and it becomes kind of like ice cream,.. but mine never lasts long. Havent tried this with PB2 yet, but it would decrease the calories and fat and im guessing still be delish.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    what works for me is a chocolate diet shake. Not the greatest but the one I have is soo chocolatey and creamy its just right. Iv only got enough for 2 shakes left so after that Im not buying more. Im someone who cant have junk in the house or il eat it all! But I did only have 1 square of white choc and strawberry chocolate last night,the whole bar was 1000cals so I thought no way was I having more then 1 square!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'd say stop eating any "junk" until you have control over yourself.

    or exercise more to make up the calories.

    I kinda agree with this. I used shakeology at first and it helped me, and now I can have a 100 calories trader joe's chocolate bar without needing more, but if you have no willpower, you'll just eat the whole box...
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    A chocolate treat for dessert (small, and logged in your diary) isn't the end of the world if you weigh and log a healthy diet. I give myself 200 cals for dessert. Stick to items with dark chocolate, imo. Trader Joe's is a good source of treats, but you -must- have will power. If you know you're eventually going to start snacking on chocolate all day, or that your dessert is going to quickly be 500 cals... then don't have them in the house.

    RE: Shakes. My lunch is a chocolate (healthy) shake. Day in, day out. I've tried many different brands, and even have made my own with everything from unsweetened all natural cocoa powder to cocoa nibs.

    Honestly, if i thought it was remotely healthy to have a chocolate shake for every meal, I would. But unfortunately, for the time being i still eat real meals for everything but lunch.

    RE: the Dairy conversation -- highly support switching to rice or almond milk. It's easy to think cow's milk is good for you because we've been told that our entire lives. It's nowhere near as good as we're told. If you do drink milk, source it from local small cow/goat dairies you can actually visit and meet the cows/goats. There's a world of difference between those farms and the milk you get at the supermarket in both hormone/antibiotic content and reduction in general cruelty to animals.