Pennben Member


  • Hello April! It feels like it should be the end of April, but I guess it's still early. A family emergency (which had a happy ending) kept me away from home and the boards and, well, frankly, my diet for the last few weeks. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but cafeteria food and stress at a hospital for a bit led to some…
  • I have my fat macro set at 60%. That's the primary one I focus on hitting, aside staying within my limit for carbs, which during induction I kept at 20g without any netting; and in my own personal modified long term "induction", I would keep at 20 (netting out only fiber). I think some shoot for a 65% fat macro, but that…
  • I'm really happy to be down 3lb this week after struggling the first couple of weeks this month. Hoping to ride this to a strong finish for the month. Hope all are well!
  • So, for the check-in this week, I'm down 1.0 lb. I'm not on track for my pre-month goal, but seem to be on track for my adjusted goal where I realized it was time to go to OWL (which goal is only partially formulated in my mind at this moment). One more pound down, who am I to complain?! Upping carbs/cals kept me going…
  • For what it is worth, I lost in both my first and second week, but the total added to just a bit less than what you had your first. I then in my third week, lost absolutely nothing and I hadn't changed a single thing. To say I was disappointed and frustrated would be an understatement. I stuck it out, however, and started…
  • So, after losing my mind for a couple of days this week, I upped my calories a bit and then had a night out with friends and (a little bit of) pizza and (a whole lot of) beer and seemed to have regained some equilibrium and perspective. So, I'm going to dance out of this week happily with my 0.8 loss; continue with a…
  • I have just hit a wall....hard. I've only been doing this for three months, but the last few days, I've been losing it a bit. If I count another carb or calorie, I think I'm going to throw a brick through a window in frustration. Anyway, I've been doing really well in these three months, but something is throwing me this…
  • Helllooooo March! I'm shooting for 7 lb down this month, although if today is any indication of future behavior, perhaps I should lower that. I'm also shooting to move more than I did last month, in which I moved more than the month before, but not nearly as much as I wanted. Here's to a great month for all of us!
  • By tightening up my carb intake when I got home from the road, I was able to hit my February weight loss goal with 1.8 lbs to spare (it also helped that I had set my goal at 6 rather than 7 lbs, as I had been thinking until I looked back at my original post). Whew! As for my "move more" goal, in the spirit of being as kind…
  • Oops, just looked at what I wrote last night, the nutrition information I gave is for one serving, which is 2 tbsp. Never type (or do math) tired!
  • I'm assuming this is too late for today's shopping trip, but I love Marie's dressings. They are in my store's produce section and refrigerated. There is "less than 2% sugar" in each serving, so it's not the perfect dressing, but I am picky about salad dressings so I live with it. I'm currently addicted to the Marie's…
  • Hi Kat, I had leg cramps and just "heavy legs" sometimes when I had just started induction. I started taking potassium and magnesium supplements (in addition to my multivitamin) after reading about them in the book and that solved the problem. Don't forget to make sure you are getting sodium in your diet as well. I still…
  • Woohoo, I successfully navigated two weeks on the road (and without a scale, but for 1 interim checkin). My late afternoon weigh in (I usually weigh in first thing in the morning so I'm not counting this as official) when I got home shows that I successfully blasted through an old stall point from years ago which had me…
  • Checking in at down 1.8 for the month. Now for the scary part, I'll be traveling for the next two weeks, and I'm assuming without access to a scale. Just going to have to trust what I've learned. See you on the other side! Keep it going everyone!
  • Tigredia: "Is that how you do it?" As far as results, hell yes! As has been noted, induction on Atkins is 20g of carbs a day. After induction (which doesn't have to be only two weeks, many stay on it longer) you add 5g carbs a day each week (e.g. wk 1 out of induction would be 25g per day; wk2 out would be 30g per day)…
  • Hi Lori, My personal loss on the two week induction was 9 lbs. Thereafter, I've been doing a modified induction keeping carbs near 20g/day but added back almonds and dark chocolate as snacks. If you look at the January Challenge thread down a bit in this group, you can see a real time development of weightloss with lots of…
  • Hello February! Two goals this month: 1. I would like to drop 6 lbs. I'm kind of nervous about this month because I'm edging close to the weight where I stalled out about six years ago the last time I dieted (not Atkins) and eventually gave up and ended up back at a higher weight than when I originally started. So, I hope…
  • Final total for the month was 13.8! I'm taking the 3.8 over my goal to the bank for if things go awry somewhere down the road:) Two months now on a diet and I'm not starving every day and on the verge of giving up constantly. I would not have believed it possible if I hadn't lived through it. I've noticed the last couple…
  • Congrats tunesntea! I'd take that victory and run right into February and not even look at the scale for the next two days.
  • Chownot, I started at the beginning of December, did great the first two weeks, then 0 the third, then back up to 3 the next week. It has been varied since, from 1.2 this past week to a high of 4, but it seems to be averaging for the month around 2.5-3.0. Definitely slowed from the first two, but still consistently down.…
  • Checking in for the week: down 4.2, overall for the month 11. Now, to try to navigate myself through the end of this week when I have plans to go out 4 of the next six days. Have a great week everyone!
  • To the OP: Because of the way this question was asked, I learned more about acidosis, and that there are several types of acidosis, not just keto acidosis. As relatively new to this approach of eating, I have spent many hours reading before I started and then googling and running down answers to questions about what I'm…
    in Acidosis Comment by Pennben January 2014
  • I hadn't heard of the issue and did a quick google search to see what acidosis was. I don't have any symptoms of such so I'm not worried personally. I note that many of the google results I found "linking" Atkins and acidosis together were from 2006 or older. That said, however, if you are concerned or feel that you have…
    in Acidosis Comment by Pennben January 2014
  • Checking in for the week: down 2.6, total for the month at 6.8. Biggest problem this week was a huge craving for bread. I live somewhat near a bread factory and when I take that route home at the wrong time, the smell is intoxicating! Made a mental note to take a different route home during the day. Hoping the week went…
  • Wow! Everyone is doing great so far! I'm down 4.2 for this first week of the month (and two days as Mondays are my weigh in days). Thrilled to have survived the beer splurge yesterday with no apparent damage to the program; although I do wonder if perhaps there's a wee bit of dehydration in my numbers, time will tell.
  • Checking in with a big oops. Going out and watching football with friends is not conducive to avoiding beer! So, I'll have to see what happens to this past week. On the plus side, I snacked on almonds I took with me and didn't go crazy on the food. So, all in all, a blip, but hopefully I contained it. I generally weigh in…
  • I'm very happy to find this group. January will be my second month on Atkins and I'm hoping make as much progress as the first month. My goal for this month is 10 pounds...hopefully, I'm already off and running as I haven't weighed myself since the 1st. I'll check back weekly to cheer everyone on and hold myself…