

  • I have finished alpha and almost done with beta with T25 it is only 25 minutes a day. a must for getting back into the habit is making it simple and pushing play every day. I will be starting Less Mills Combat once I finish Gama of T25. Either program will work for getting results. I refuse to pay for a gym membership…
  • Almost forgot that You can pay about $75 dollars at a weight loss specialist to get a metabolism test done. If I remember this is one of the more accurate ways to test for getting an accurate reading of your metabolism.
  • How many steps a day are you taking? Stop worrying about distance how many times do you put one foot in front of the other. recommended steps per day is 10,000 steps. before you you say wow to much you work up to it. you are probably at about 4,000-6,000 steps right now depending on your stride. Calories are important try…
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