mbern1008 Member


  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Thursday - Day 1 : 632 calories burned ( 5 Miles on Treadmill + fitbit tracking captured on MFP Calories burned report) Friday- Day 2 : 774 calories burned ( 5 Miles on Treadmill + fitbit tracking captured on MFP Calories burned report) Saturday- Day 3 : 926 calories burned ( 5 Miles on Treadmill + fitbit…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Thursday - Day 1 : 627 calories burned ( 5 Miles on Treadmill + fitbit tracking captured on MFP Calories burned report) Total: 627 Left to go: 2873
  • According to this my net is 234 calories burned for 4 miles even though my fitbit and treadmill both say about 450? How fast do you need to go MPH before it is considered running. I know by 4 MPH I am doing a light jog but I cannot keep it up for too long. My ankles start to hurt and I start to get tired and want to quit…
  • Hi, I'm Michael. About 5 years ago I lost about 100 pounds going from 280 down to about 175 primarily by dieting. At the time I was using SparkPeople to do my online calorie counting. I realized when I started I was consuming between 2500-3000 calories per day. Once I began tracking I dropped to 1200-1500 and the pounds…
  • How do you join the group, I would like to join. How do you measure? Is it just the calories burned from the Calories burned chart under reports? I primarily track by my fitbit flex.