

  • My baby brother found out he was diabetic like my mother this winter. He almost died from shock. He has been tested regularly but they never caught it until he was rushed to the hospital. He has been on a diet since October and and has lost almost 60 pounds from diet alone. It is a different world once you find out you are…
  • Thank you for the welcome!
  • sugar free fugicles!!! 75 calories and they taste GREAT!!!
  • Do it slowly. I was in the same boat as you for many years. I raised 5 children and worked full time. I never had time to eat and if I got the feeling I was hungry and was busy it would go away and I wouldn't think about it. My doctor and nutrianist were always yelling at me because I would easily go 24 hours without…
  • My name is Kathy or Kat to my friends. I'm a 40 year old mother of 2 teenage girls. I work full time as an office manager and am in school full time for my bachelor degree in IT. Two years ago I had ACL surgery on my knee and gained 60 pounds! For the last ten months I have changed my diet drastically and am exircising 3-4…