

  • When you're used to eating what you want when you want everything becomes missing out when you want something and you're on a diet that says you can't have it. You have to basically get to the point when you look at your naked self in the mirror and say either "Suck it up buttercup" or "Quit making excuses". There's always…
  • Welcome klkelley! I too gained much weight back after I lost so much. We can do it!
  • We do a "biggest loser" family edition thing in my family. We always do weigh in's on Saturdays. And generally speaking we all cheat on dinner on Saturday. Whether is me who has breakfast (my biggest weakness is hashbrowns) or my mom who has steak and homemade chips at the restaurant. In all the books I've read on dieting…
  • Me too! Thank you for the welcome. I hope we can all encourage each other.
  • This is my first time on this site. I'm not new to dieting though. I'm Kandi by the way. Twice a year my family does a "Biggest Loser" family edition. We all pay 70 bucks and at the end of the 14 weeks the person who lost the most (percentage-wise) gets the prize. It's a great motivator. I've spent the last two rounds of…