Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • Welcome klkelley!

    I too gained much weight back after I lost so much. We can do it!
    I would like to join as well. I was doing really well and then my rotatator cuff and bicep tendon tore. Since then I have had to have surgery and have gained weight due to inactivity. We are starting a biggest loser competition at work tomorrow, so here I am. It is going to be difficult to lose as I cannot exercise much. Please wish me luck. I never reached goal weight and have revised it a little. I originally lost 36 lbs., but have put 10 back on.

    Good Luck to us all!
  • My name is Judy and at 63 yrs old, I've started over so many times. But I can't and won't give up. 2 yrs ago I was down 41 lbs, lost my job and now I've put all but 1 lb back on. I tried this earlier, but my mind really wasn't on this. My father had been ill for a while. He died 1/4 and now I feel I'm starting a new chapter in my ife and it should include taking better care of myself. Plus my husband is partialy disabled and I will become his full time caregiver.
    As hard a time that I have making myself count calories, I have a worse time making myself excerise. I have really got work on this. I did start today by entering my food. Today is still young so I can still ride my bike.
    If got to get & fix lunch. Will weigh my food and enter it.
    Good luck all,
    Judy (yarncat)
  • My name is Judy and at 63 yrs old, I've started over so many times. But I can't and won't give up. 2 yrs ago I was down 41 lbs, lost my job and now I've put all but 1 lb back on. I tried this earlier, but my mind really wasn't on this. My father had been ill for a while. He died 1/4 and now I feel I'm starting a new chapter in my ife and it should include taking better care of myself. Plus my husband is partialy disabled and I will become his full time caregiver.
    As hard a time that I have making myself count calories, I have a worse time making myself excerise. I have really got work on this. I did start today by entering my food. Today is still young so I can still ride my bike.
    If got to get & fix lunch. Will weigh my food and enter it.
    Good luck all,
    Judy (yarncat)

    Hi Judy :smile: Good luck to you this year! It is hard in the beginning (I'm finding it a tad difficult at the moment), but just stick to it and let people support you, and soon you will be well on your way, I'm sure! You owe it to yourself to take care of your body and give it a chance to thrive.
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for the support, I do appreciate it. If I can get out of my sling and through rehab then I can exercise. Right now I just have to be content to count calories and walk a bit.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    WELCOME TO EVERYONE!:flowerforyou:
  • narci
    narci Posts: 6
    I started on the 1st of Jan too...I need to lose the pregnancy fat and since I wasn't exactly a catwalk model before the pregnancy (quite the opposite I may say - lol) I'll have a lot of trouble reaching my goal of 120 lbs...I've always been a yo-yo dieter but this time I'll make it cause I have you :). By the way I started at 200 lbs and now I'm 194
  • I have a couple of reasons to start anew. My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer and I think I have Type 2 Diabetes. My triglycerides are starting to creep up.......enough said..... I have 2 boys - 6 and 2 and I don't want them to have to grow up without a mom.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Cassie06
    Cassie06 Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in, too! I'm 21, and currently about 144...I want to get back down to around 115-120 (normal for my height)....I'm participating in a Biggest Loser challenge here in town...good luck to you all!!!
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Well I didn't make it to the gym this weekend, but I have tried to keep to my calories(except for Saturday:blushing: ) However, not going to the gym seems to not have been a big issue for me I still lost one pound :drinker: I forgot to enter my weight in on Friday, so here it is

    As of Sunday morning I weigh 190.0

    Yes I am almost out of the the 190's

    I was down to 189 before the holidays, but... well..... let's just say I am back on track :wink:
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I was waaaay over on my calories yesturday.. but today I made up for it by going for a walk/run.

    Tomorrow Im going to go for another walk/run but will shift the balance to more running.. well I will try !!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    I was 144 on the first and now 141. I am 5"1. We sound similar I wish you luck!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I went over my calores on the weekend but I so did not give up or think ill do more since I screwed up any way that always gets me! lol Good luck
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    My family has a history of diabetes another reason I have tried to keep my weight under some control. I want to live a life full of quality with my family! If I am sick unhealthy etc.. that wont happen! Together we can do this!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    SOrry I cant wrote more but want to say we.come as well to everyone! See you soon! off to the gym now!
  • Hi All,

    This is a good post. I can see that a lot of people made the resolve to lose weight this year. My big resolution this year is to lose weight and gain back my self-confidence.

    I am at about 206 pounds at present and intend to be at 165 pounds in a few months. Am on a 1250 calorie diet.


    - n
  • candylea
    candylea Posts: 34 Member
    I want to join too. I started on the 4th. My name is Candy. I've been overweight since I was around 10. I started at 250 and have lost 5 pounds. I thought I wanted to do this slow so I set my goal for losing one pound a week which is 1730 calories a day but now I'm think I want to lose faster. Does anyone have any advice for me?
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi Candylea:flowerforyou:

    My best advice would be not to give up if you have a bad day. also make sure to exercise. Find something fun that you like to do so that it doesn't seam like such a chore. Also, I have started counting my calories, and this has really started to jump start my weight loss. I had just been exercising, and not counting calories. I cut way back on sweets and pop, but after counting my calories I have found out that I still was eating too much. MFP has a great way to help you calculate your calories. Good luck to you. We are all here for you:smile:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome all the new comers. I measured on Saturday and forgot to bring in the paper that I wrote it down on. Husband said I should weigh once a week and measure once a month to keep track. We purchased a nice digital scale this weekend and will weigh myself on Saturday mornings. My husband said a lot could happen in 3 months and I should stay on top of my weight.

    Will send post tomorrow with measurements.
  • hey guys! HaPPy nEw YeAr!:happy: i would like to join to!! 2010 should be a change to all of us! a new decade has began so it's time for a new start... we all need a change, we have to be us.. i ' m about a year in this site but i have forget myself for a loong looong time and it's about time to see who i really am.. i really do not like myself and i definitely want to change it..
    We All caN dO It aNd wE aLL neEd SuPPorT !! SO, we are all here to support each other because nobody is alone to this effort... we all have a common thought and purpose " to feel ourselves"...:wink:
    keep up the Good Work!!:smile::happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Nevermind I found the news feed when I made a friend!Wow so I went over 38 calories because i needed a hard boiled egg with my soup and now the workd will know that? :( yikes.....

    From what the blog about 'friends' says it's not supposed to post anything negative like going over your cals or gaining weight, but it will tell your friends when you haven't logged in.
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