Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Nevermind I found the news feed when I made a friend!Wow so I went over 38 calories because i needed a hard boiled egg with my soup and now the workd will know that? :( yikes.....

    From what the blog about 'friends' says it's not supposed to post anything negative like going over your cals or gaining weight, but it will tell your friends when you haven't logged in.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    I know that you already received :heart: from all the wonderful people here but thought id send a :flowerforyou: and a welcome to all our new comers!

    Welcome: Cassie, Jesus4fr, Narci, Nilayonline, Candylea, and The_boss....We have a great group of support here and never would have imagined such a nice turn out when I made my first post :noway:

    The more the merrier!

    Myth its so nice that you post individual responces :smile:

    Hope everyone is doing well.....Im off to New York for the day tomorrow.....I know for a day? Long way from vegas but thats the plus when you have benefits you can go just for the day haha....Anyone live in New york who knows where I can decent food near Time Square that I can get nutrition for?
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    One day at a time. One meal, one craveing at a time. Do not let one bad meal or day destroy what you have accomplished! U can do it!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    Ill pay 70 dollars and join lol. I hop eyou win this year! Make them all want to be you! :) good luck
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    I put 11 back on so I am right ther ewith ya, all I keep thinking is how good it felt 11 pounds ago and how good i FELT physically and mentally when I was eating good and exercising. That is my motivation for now. You did it before you knwo youc van do it again! In the words of Nike.. JUST DO IT! lol
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I'm here with you as well, my goal is to lose 40 pounds this year. I did 25 last year and 50 the year before that, but this is the year that I'm taking back control!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks Myth!!

    I find weekends are the hardest days to keep calories down and exercise up!!! With summer in full swing down in NZ everyone is having BBQ's or picnics! so much food! and its wedding season here!! ahh more reasons to eat!!! .....not that I ever needed many reasons to eat heheheheh!!!!

    Well its great seeing more people come on board!! WELCOME EVERYONE!!

    This is a hard and LOOOOONG journey!!! We will all have bumps along the way!! but with each others support, it does make getting back up and not giving up that much easier!!

    so heres to 2010!!!!!!

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! going for a run today!!!! must do it!!! :wink:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Here are starting measurements: neck 16and half inches; waist 50 inches; hip 65 inches; Left thigh 33 and half inches;
    Upper Left arm 19 inches.:noway:

    This should get me going.

  • Keltinator
    hooray look at all the people who have joined :smile: good luck everybody!!

    I got a little off ttrack today.. everything was good until lunchtime and then two-bite brownies entered the picture:cry: ... i had four... double what one should... and so now i'm over calories (although only by 50). the thing that sucks is i was eating htem while studying for an exam, so i didn't even really get to enjoy them!! (note to self: stop mindless eating :blushing: ) guess i will have to start fresh tomorrow! everyday's a new day :)
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    I love reading all of the posts!! Welcome everyone! It is great having a group of people to keep each other motivated. today I went back to the gym. I was only going to go for 30 minutes, but when I was there I was in the groove, so I made it for 63 minutes:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I really shouldn't have eaten that TRIFLE!!!


    Tomorrow is another day!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Chipgal I love the faces! lol

    Eek - mindless eating! I hate it! That is wy I try to do whast I call mindless drinking .. of water that is lol. I find that if I have a bottle just sitting near me I am more apt to pick it up and drink it rather then eat and it helps keep me feeling full and that darn hunger feeling at bay!

    By the way went to cofffee shop this morning with dh and I GOT WATER! :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    ok it is so wierd to here you say summer,lol. Cause here it is full on winter! Even in FLorida right now lol. Be straing chica! You will feel better in the long run! ATleast that is what i tell myself! :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    I love days like that! I actually did that as well yesterday. My plan was 1 hr weight class then 30 on the tredmill. Well she said please leave the steps out for the step class next. I was like ohh Ill try it! For one hour! OMG! But I might try to do it next monday to I liked it. :) As long as I can get some cordination(sp) lol. wtg!
  • Keltinator
    finally got around to weighing my self this morning -- 146 :) that's two more pounds lost! it might just be water weight, but it still makes me happy, considering the day i had yesterday lol.

    myth-- mindless water drinking.. i like it! i've kept a bottle of water within arm's reach wherever i am and haven't had the urge to snack yet today! sweet :) thanks for the tip!
  • candylea
    candylea Posts: 34 Member
    I'm doing pretty good. Unfortunately I made a pie today and ate 2 slices already. I'm trying to get everyone else to eat it. I will be over my calories today by 88. I will be fine tomorrow. I'm not exercising much at all so I need to do something about that.
  • harleyphleb
    it is 01/11/10 and I am tired of feeling so full and FAT!!!!! I weighed in at 302 at my highest and lost down to 178 and now 222 so am determined to get to 160 by my birthday september which will be my 50th. so have a long hard hill to climb but if I have online support I believe I can do this. Please !!!! all help is appreciated
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    If I made a pie I would be eating it to so dont feel bad! 88 over is not bad but you can do better tomorrow you know maybe only 1 slice or none! You can do it :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    we are here! Just talk this group will listen!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    a little frustration...

    yesterday I did both those classes and unfortunatley I weigh myself every day and this morning there was no lose! My calories were fine. I just keep thinking back to last summer when I was burning like 900 a day and eating 1200 but I never lost any weight. It was like my body went in to starvation mode in a blnk of an eye. Can that happen probably not but I have no other explanation. And I need one. But I am still going to cleasses and not giving up just venting! :)