Naener Member


  • QFT! And lets be honest, ask anyone whos done a Shaun T work out)... youll have to beat yourself up (a LITTLE) to keep yourself going... this is the first step! youve made the choice... now BACK IT UP!! open your eyes and look.. REALLY look at what your eating habits have done to your body... your health. TIME TO LOVE…
  • My favorite donut place in LA county has a ****in Banana Nutella Cronut (crossaint/donut) covered in cinnamon and sugar... dear gawd.
  • Now i just want to drive to LA and get a Cronut... thanks.
  • Yep. LOG EVERYTHING. Being honest with yourself is the key... if youre really stickign to your deficit and logging everything that goes in.. no matter how small.. a pretzel here, a soda there... LOG IT.
  • I have a serious guilt issue with days i go over also, my family goes out to eat together every wednesday night, and none of them are health conscious... sometimes i dont WANT to just eat half my food... but.. try this.. on days where you know youre going to eat out and the food will be awesome, hard to say no to... eat a…
  • a cheat day is a cheat day.... sometimes my "cheat" days hit close to 3000 calories lol and ive still been losing every week.
  • #10 for life!!! <3
  • Ive been listening to the audiobook on repeat for a week lol
  • ... I would KILL someone for such a move... he HIT you?! id have broken his arm!!
  • My family goes out to eat for "Family Dinner night" every single wednesday... and at first, it was hard to behave and stay within my intake allowance.. BUT since i got my brother on MFP and hes lost almost 30 lbs, weve turned it into a game/challenge. its fun to sit and hunt the menus for items we can fit under our…
  • it really doesnt sound like youre being honest about your intake. If you are working out a couple times a week, and being completely honest and accurate about how much youre eating and STICKING to your deficit (and yes..., eating BACK the calories you burn) you WILL lose. soemtimes when doing lifting AND Cardio, you may be…
  • Up until now, ive always gained weight in relationships... BUT this is the first time ive decided to make a lifestyle change, anyone i date from now on will be conscious about the same things and will (i hope) be on the mission with me to always be working towards a better me/us.
  • The past tense of the word "read".
  • oh yea.. OP- like others have said... slow is perfectly fine! Dont make any changes you couldnt stick to for the rest of your life. Trying to go "Whole Hog" and "Cold Turkey" will usually end in failure.. were human, were set up to fail in modern society haha. little changes like portion control.. have that morning…
  • LoL! thats about where I am also.
  • I have my account set to lose a pound a week.. i have a desk job so i hit sedentary, with 5 work outs a week averaging 40 minutes per work out... it has me at 1290 a day and i eat back my work out calories.. at least i TRY to eat them all back.. somedays its harder than others to make my net hit 1290... i have seen a…
  • I think "being happy" for most people.. is a decision they have to make EVERY day. (excluding people with genuine depression or mental health issues) Skinny, Fit, Average or Fat... i think that happiness is a choice. you can sit and stew in your stress/problems (everyone has them) or you can choose to try and find reasons…
  • I feel the same way! a NSV (non-scale victory) for me has been being able to add in INSANITY work outs to my weekly regimen this month, id never have attempted them before.. i was too clumsy and uncoordinated.. i was affraid id hurt myself. I have beeter control of my body now... its an amazing feeling.
  • I was teased and picked on a lot as a kid... not for my weight, but for my ears which are a little pointy and stick out from the sides of my head some... fairly comical when i was a kid, but kids/people are mean... Ill say the same to you that ive always told others... Dont let people who dont KNOW you change or poison how…
  • As to OP: Dont be sad!!! We're women.. it happens. every week in fact lol ... some weeks worse than others. I had a Bioscreening for work yesterday... and weighed in at 168 pounds... last saturday... just 5 days before, i weighed in at 165!! any number of things could have lead to the extra numbers on the scale... dont let…
    in Devasted Comment by Naener October 2013
  • AHAHAHA I love you
    in Devasted Comment by Naener October 2013
  • MFP's sugar allotment is REALLY low... so dont feel TOO bad if you go over every day. lol
  • This month, i have started adding INSANITY work outs to my weekly routines... not every day, but one a week... this is AWESOME because i was always too scared if hurt myself trying to do insanity work outs... they kick my *kitten* and i gas out often but I can make it to the end of them! Its such a great emotional and…
  • A few little tips that helped me in the beginning... - Stick to serving sizes. Dieting doesnt work.. portion control DOES. Count out those pretzels... measure that cup of ice cream/cereal - When eating cereal, just eat the cereal, dont drink the milk when youre done lol - when eating a sandwhich or a burger...anything with…
  • ^^ her insecurity and jealousy of your time youre now spending on YOU is stronger right now than the love that should always come out on top...
  • Youre about in the same stage as I am with the same goal! Add me, my diary is open :)
  • I had a BADONK at my heaviest.. my whole behind has shrunk down to a very decent *kitten* im happy with LOL I havent lost too much in the chest area... went from an almost 40D to a now 34low C or so... i need to go get fitted to know for sure, uhg.
  • take a look at it from a different perspective... everyone here that has seen some results with MFP and their weight loss will agree... for a while it can be pretty all inclusive and borderline obsessive. Im NOT saying its a bad thing, but im also not in any kind of live in relationship with the responsibilities of a…
  • LOL but the point of making it until the first weekend in november is over... is to keep participants from going crazy on the left overs... and when everyone brings in left over candy to WORK, and the kids bring it home from SCHOOL and all the stores sell it for 50-75% AND i agree on the candy corn bit... that…