Lyndilou78 Member


  • I will join you. I'm a 35yo mother of two girls (8 and 5). Still trying to figure out the best time for me to workout. Wanted to do it in the mornings but I'm not much of a morning person. Also thought it might be a fun thing for my girls and I to do together - granted they will prob. just watch - but I figure it would be…
  • Hi Ladies, I'm Lyndi. I'm a 33 year old busy working mom to a 5 and 2 year old (and a 40 year old if you count my husband). I have a long commute (45 minutes plus one way) to a job I love. But with that commute comes limmited time to get things done at home and spend time with my family. I'm finding I'm always making plans…
  • I use the lite version as well. I love it, it lets me know when to walk, when to run, the halfway points and when I have a minute left. I just finished week 4 and I don't think I could have done it without this app. Good luck!