ttjc24 Member


  • you have a gorgeous smile
  • I am a certified cycling instructor .....if you have any questions please let me know
  • my understanding is it synced via bluetooth exclusively. so you would need an iphone or ipad or ipod touch. or you can ge the one with the watch feature that doesnt require it to sync to anything
  • been using polar h7 for about 2 weeks now and its really good. it doesnt sync with MFP but adding the exercise and burn rate on here is easy. you can get it with a watch or just the monitor and strap and sync it to your idevice and use the free app on there.
  • here is a typical day i started this routine about 14 days ago... BREAkFAST 1-(730 am ) (either ) 3 scoops of protein with water- 280 calories 1 tbls of natural peanut butter -95 calories or 5 egg whits with different veggies -75-120 calories and 1 medium banana-75 calories BREAKFAST 2-(930 am ) 1 CUP OF PLAIN OATMEAL WITH…
  • according to my BMI i am at somewhere between 21.5% - 23% right now and says to get to 10% i need around 200 lbs i have doing crossfit to help with the strength training and running/cycling for my eating very clean so hopefully i will see the results kick up again
  • hopefully tracking the calories taken in and burned will off set this wall ive hit
  • well i expected at least a bit of a response being a newbie here!