

  • FWIW, I tend to make enough of my own food to get by for at least a week with the Microwave. I have a stew that I like, and a cereal that I developed based on hulled barley that works well for me. Both of them took time to work out, but it was worth it. I keep both in the fridge. When I don't have time to prepare it, I…
  • Hello Eric - Welcome aboard. I have been diagnosed since early March, which makes me a newbie. I am a type 2 diabetic, and as of this week supposedly meet the criteria for being "controlled". At the time of my diagnosis, I had an A1c of 9.9, and my BG was at 280. I typically range from about 125-165, although I try to keep…
  • Already did that. What I want is something I can swap and/or add in lieu of weight to my diet target, and then have tracked in the same way that weight is tracked at present (less the ticker at the end of messages...). The irony is that the information is right there when you go to the goals page. I just would like the…
  • Sigh. I'd consider 146 good in the morning. I was running in the 170's to 180's in the morning, then I thought about my meds. They told me to take them with meals, which meant that the time between my dinner and my breakfast was often about 16 hours. It was just too long. So I changed the interval, and started taking them…
  • Thanks for the kind welcome and good advice gang. I have taken some time to read around today, and this seems like a good group. I will try to pitch in when I can as well...
  • Great job. Although it may be a bit early for it to show up in your A1c. I had to wait three months for that to come through.
  • Greetings gentlemen - I was diagnosed in February, with an A1C of 9.9, and fasting BG of 280. At the time I weighed 340 lbs. I don't know about you, but the Dr did not tell me much in that first appointment other than my A1c was dangerously high, and to set up an appointment with a dietitian. I will say up front that I…