

  • I agree that when you're more active you need more fuel, and it's important to do that. But if you want to continue to lose, you need to stay a bit under what you're allowed, I think. Bottom line is that you need to burn more than you take in overall.
  • Here is a fascinating article I just read on Time Magazine's web site about why working isn't necessarily the best way to lose weight. Addresses your question exactly -- check it out! It's from 2009 but great reading for those of us on a weight loss journey.,8599,1914857-1,00.html
  • I suspect the same as the first poster -- that you are, indeed, gaining muscle. Probably better to measure progress with inches lost rather than pounds lost. There is no doubt you are doing all the right things: eating well, and exercising. It might be a good idea to eat a bit fewer calories than those you "earn" through…
  • Lowfat yoghurt (90 cals) and a dozen tamari almonds. Very satisfying.