MadeandUnmade Member


  • My story is similar. My first goal is 20 pounds. It's usually below 30 for months on end and the scale keeps going up with all this inside time.
  • You are off to a great start! Focus on filling your plate with fruits and veggies. Some find it helpful to eliminate dairy. I only have exercise-induced asthma, and I do better when my workouts are consistent. My husband has severe asthma. He walks, swims, and cycles. Start off slowly at the gym or on a track so that you…
  • I took it in my early twenties and I couldn't lose weight. I was trying to lose 5-10 pounds and running like a hamster on a wheel. The best I could do was maintain. Once I stopped running, I gained 20 pounds in a matter of months. Stopped taking the shot, and went back to my old weight. NOW, I'm 32 and just got my shot a…
  • Hi, feel free to add me. My diary is private because it is embarrassingly unhealthy and of no use to anyone but myself to count calories. :)
  • I agree--give into it a little. It never helps for me to eat around the craving because I end up eating a lot more calories by trying to fill the craving with other options than if I had a small serving of what I really want. Good luck! It is always my hardest week!
  • Almond milk. Cow milk has more calories because of the saturated fat, and it has cholesterol. The purpose of cow milk is to put hundreds of pounds onto a calf. That''s why it is so calorie-dense. All of the milk substitutes are fortified, so don't worry about missing out on the calcium. If you want something with more…
  • My mom took me to get mine done for my 17th birthday. I think I took it out in my early twenties. I also had my tongue pierced when I turned 18, and took that out when I was 22. Like you, I was a pretty good kid. A couple of piercings isn't going turn you trashy. It's not something you're going to have forever. Enjoy it…
  • Welcome! I am new, too. I know my profile says I joined a long time ago, but I never actually used MFP until this week. I am a first-year law student. I am looking to lose weight, but I have the same problem as you do with time. I find that it really helps if I plan my meals ahead of time. If I am going to be at school all…
    in New Comment by MadeandUnmade May 2014