

  • 'Diet' food and WW products - food that was convenient. I make 'All' my meals from scratch now, I don't rely on WW products and I don't eat 'junk' just to make up my points as I was told to. If I was 3 points under on my day I would always have a curly wurly or a 'diet' chocolate bar, full of artificial sweetners - 'free'…
  • I was always a WW girl - until I wasn't!! Now MFP and wouldn't go back. All the time I did WW I yo-yo'd, losing and gaining the same 3 stone. i would go 'on plan', lose the weight and then as soon as I went 'off plan' I'd put it all back on again. This has been the only time I have lost weight (although slower), but have…
  • Anywhere between 230 to 330. I measure it in my hrm. Depends what weights I use
  • I understand where you are coming from; when you trust someone and what they are telling you is working. I have really struggled upping my calories from 1200 to 1500. But it does seem to be working and my weight is dropping. Maybe add some eggs / omelette to breakfast and even some chicken/steak (if you want to keep your…
  • I can see that you have cut bread, fruit and dairy from your diet. I understand the bread and dairy, but not the fruit. You should be able to have 2 portions of fruit a day and still meet your goals. Is is for digestive reasons? Also, are you eating enough calcium etc. by cutting out dairy? How about almond / nut milk or…
  • Are you over estimating the calories you are burning during exercise? If so you could b over eating. I would suggest what the last lady said and don't eat your exercise calories but use them to increase your deficit