stewarta Member


  • Yes, I agree. Coffee a couple of hours prior and don't sit.
  • Nope, not a pound when I have stopped diet drinks, nor have I felt less hungry!!! Their theory about diet soda's tricking your body to overreacting to burning calories that are not there seems odd. So the argument would be, "always eat calories when you drink diet soda and then the body would be reacting to calories"…
  • p.s., don't skimp on this if you decide. Strongly consider the concept 2 over other look alikes. I have had mine for 10 years - no problems and I love it. Only thing for me was a recent back injury so i have not used it in a while.
  • I used to Row a lot. It is listed as one of the best exercises for all around muscle groups. Having said that, many people purchase a low dollar machine and have poor performance and satisification. Google this and read more: Concept 2 Rowing machine - It is worth it's weight in absolute GOLD. It is what Crew teams use to…
  • Why do we use food to reward ourselves? I say, on the weekend plan a reward that is healthy and re-define the word "reward". So many people say that you deserve a reward if you have been doing well on your diet. I disagree! Example, "I've done well this week, it's the weekend, I am going to buy a new blouse or spend two…